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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. One day it eventually came to fisticuffs. It was a one sided affair with his face stopping my punches smashing the concrete floor. His nose took a right beating until he gave in. I don't believe in violence but it can so often be the last resort to settle a matter.
  2. He was in his 20's at the time and thought he was a hard man. And he left school early because he wanted to be a fanny with his pals.
  3. My nephew years ago acted like a complete fanny and started to get aggressive so I eventually said to him "Do you want to go outside?", he then stood up and walked out the front door to which I then slammed the front door shut behind him. He then shouted from outside why wasn't I outside fighting with him to which my next reply was "I asked you if you wanted to go outside and you went outside, so who's the stupid fuckwit then?". Everybody who was in the house at the time pished themselves laughing at his stupidity, he eventually seen the funny side to it. Still a c**t though my nephew.
  4. Is that your latest well earned nickname? "The Dross" and you are correct it is the sort of comment you repeatedly post. So well done in answering your own comment Dross.
  5. Your club might be new, but it's the same **** that followed the last club. The same bunch of greeting faced twats that sat back and watched their club die as they held up the pished stained Bennett banners stating "they deserved better". And you'll still be the same deluded **** if ever end up supporting another version of a Rangers FC in the future. **** THEN **** NOW **** FOREVER.
  6. I do love it when shite is about to hit the fans with this mob. Whyte to be found innocent because he paid the full pound to buy the real Rangers FC and King guilty of going into concert partying with the 3 bears to take over the cloned club.
  7. It Tedi's early days he could strike up a serious discussion without resorting to the usual mud slinging insults and whataboutery. The main problem appears to be that there are posters who can't engage in a civilised adult debate because they hate Rangers so much that any opportunity to stick the boot in as much as possible, and then there are the Rangers fans who have only ever known a Rangers FC that was successful and admitting their club is the worst of the worst offenders of how not to run a football club wisely in pursuit of cups, titles and European glories. Rangers fans imo on the whole can't come to terms that the club they supported did in fact actually cheat but were helped by both the corrupt associations the former SPL & SFA by rewriting their rules and regulations to A, evade the proper punitive measures because no retrospective punishments could be meted out because Rangers FC were not caught in the act, and B, They ditched the phoenix/cloned clubs laws and then rewrote their rules and regulations to say that according to them that clubs can now evade being liquidated by insolvency laws that would otherwise have been put out of business because the SFA & SPFL say so. Now put the above into play and you get what is The BIg Thread or BRALT as it is today, a fucking shambles most of the time. Quite frankly I don't see it ever changing to be honest.
  8. Well that's that put to bed then but I wouldn't put it past the googly eyed fucker to find a way to get his sticky fingers on the shares if he found a way to circumvent the rules.
  9. You know you could have just posted that I would go insane because Rangers FC no longer existed instead of posting some long winded theoretical pish that contradicted itself. FYI?, a black hole isn't actually a hole is it? It's just dense matter very much like your posts most days.
  10. 42 senior clubs of which 41 are not Rangers and you still can't work out what a 50% ratio is ffs? The term "every other" means exactly to you?
  11. Are you claiming that Rangers fans amount to 50% of the registered accounts on P&B? Seriously? You only have to look at who is posting on this thread for real evidence, so far 3 of them, and all not contributing to the newest revelations coming out of Ibrox.
  12. When the sub forum was created it was made for matches alone to goad each other on. Since 2012 it has become a place where all things Rangers related can be discussed, but only if you don't support The Rangers that is. Every other fan of every other club can happily get along and discuss any shenanigans brewing at Ibrox except you and your fellow fans. You especially only post deflective pish and shite when you could actually join in and adultly discuss such matters which affect your club. You never discuss anything Rangers related in this dedicated forum really, it'd be better if you just don't bother posting in this forum because you never ever have anything of value and substance to add to the debate. Your posting content suggests you'd rather derail and troll posters just because you can and that's all you have to offer really,
  13. That background was brutal by the way, my eyes are still fucked from the contrast. No point in asking the bears for an opinion because they are still waiting on the billionaire to show up and buy the club and then spunk millions into it.
  14. ^^^^ This is the reason why their club gets run into the ground, they simply don't care at all. They'd much rather come across as fannies rather than engage in an adult debate about the recent events that might screw them over AGAIN.
  15. Rats deserting the sinking ship by removing themselves from the club itself to just being directors on the holding company of the club. There has always been two companies involved here much like when Minty Moonbeams MIH owned the original RFC PLC, if the club goes into admin then the holding company won't be responsible for the running of the club. They are now putting into place the patsy board of directors for the club itself to take the fall if the club enters any admin event. This is King and his cronies protecting themselves should the club go into administration. The holding company will be the clubs only creditor in any admin event event and if the assets have to be sold off then guess who gets the money from the sale? The holding company as they are the only creditor basically. I can't see King letting go of his cash cow though, so there must be some plan taking shape here. Somebody is going to be completely shafted by King & Co at the end of this. Might get really tasty soon with jelly & ice cream back on the menu. I always thought back in 2013 that the club would run up debt to reach the top tier and then enter admin to rid the club of it's debt when it got there. Only a 10 point deduction and the club will be debt free to carry on as usual but somebody will be paying for it. Also have the soft loans been converted into shares yet? I would think they have been. The holding company isn't listed any more on the stock exchange so they wouldn't necessarily have to publicly say they have been converted yet and would play a key factor in control if the club goes into an admin event as to who has the leverage and most amount of shares. Also does an admin event affect the tab outcome were King was working in concert with the 3 bears? One thing is for sure, shit is about to hit the fan at some point, this club cannot continue to run with the losses it has been running up over the past 5 years. I expect the usual shit replies from the bears, so thanks in advance girls.
  16. I don't read any reports or listen to the pundits after a game because the say utter fucking gash and a pack of lies. P&B is a far better place to read match reports, almost every post an honest assessment of what really happened.
  17. Who'd da thunk that my post would be taken so seriously by posters who apparently don't care about posting anonymously on an open forum.
  18. When P&B servers go down just seconds before you submit your reply ffs.
  19. He did ask for it to be fair. Probably partly or mostly my fault for biting to his inane ramblings tbh.
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