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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. This club hasn't ever posted a profit since it's inception back in 2012 and has an operating deficit since then of over £40 million and you wonder why the SFA have allowed them to compete in Europe? They rewrote their rule book so they could create the blue cloned monster and have turned a blind eye on anything that club does because it's only concern was to keep the Old Firm fixture because they feared our game would implode financially. Of course they are going to allow them to compete ffs, it's Rangers don't ya know. The SFA's only concern is that can the club limp onto next season without an insolvency event. They won't bother about litigation against the club as long as they are still legally solvent of sorts. They have ran up debts of over £40 million and they are still trading? Surely they have to post a profit over the next year or so or else it's curtains, they are using an unsustainable financial model year in and year out. They will eventually fall short of qualifying for Europe, it's inevitable if they keep running an operating deficit every year.
  2. Do you not see the embarrassment of using last years kit in this age of consumerism? You and your fans are going to be laughed at and mocked because they are using last years fashion and every body else is in fashion with shiny new kits. You do realise that the club ALREADY had to pay for unsold stock and that this might be a cunning plan to con you and yer dafty supporting mates into buying stock at full price when it should be hanging in the reduced section as last years pish. Even more embarrassing is that Fat Mike is also taking a cut because the stock in sitting in his warehouse waiting to be distributed to stupid supporters in bus loads being goaded on by Dodgy Dave to buy them in their thousands. You might think it is a good deal for the club but for how long? we do not know the full details of the new contract but it's a fucking dead cert that Fat Mike is in the driving seat here. He held the contract by the baws and he didn't care a fucking jot because he got paid no matter what. Ashley only needed to take King to court and Dodgy Dave would have no option but to comply. And you think the shameless glib & liar got the better of Ashley?
  3. To buy last years kit that the club had to pay Ashley for because they boycotted buying them depriving their club of much needed revenue. So Ashley is now going to get a percentage from stock he sold to the club and will get paid twice for something he already sold and they are now organising buses to line Fat Mikes pockets by buying last years kit. Fucking idiots to a man.
  4. Buy now pay later? It's perfectly legal to buy a player and then settle up at a mutually agreed time.
  5. And I'll be laughing at you if you end up buying last years top as this years kit knowing that your club already paid for it by the boycott and that Fat Mike is also getting half the profits from stock he already sold.
  6. OK. It's now becoming much clearer now that a good deal for the club is that after having to pay for last years unsold stock as in the old contract they have spun it around to make it look like the club has brokered a new deal more beneficial to the club? So after having to pay for the unsold stock in the first instance Dave & Mike have made a deal in which Fat Mike gets paid twice for the same stock he didn't sell Oh ma sides. It appears that Fat Mike resigned from "Rangers Retail Ltd" back in June the 3rd this year and the next day funnily enough Dave King was appointed as a director the very next day, I wonder what's going on there? https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/08142409/officers I can't wait to see this unfold over the next year or so as details about the deal get leaked where Dodgy Dave probably has pulled another flanker on the Bears.
  7. I don't hate Rangers, but I do hate quite a lot of it's fans because they are c***s to a man when things don't go so well for them. Irony overload ^^^^ Why would I be raging at a bunch of idiots thinking that King has somehow forced Mike Ashley into a better deal.
  8. BBC website and also the official Rangers FC website have confirmed that soft loans have been given to the club to limp on until the end of the season.
  9. There has been a trade off somewhere in all this. As you put it Fat Mike won't let go of the cash cow that is a Rangers FC without getting his wedge. I don't see him giving up part of the retail profits without getting something in exchange.
  10. I can't help laughing at the thought of the **** thinking that all of the cash will go into the club with it's operating loses. Dopey c***s think nothing about the club being in profit and having healthy finances, the very second they hear extra cash raised they automatically think it's going into the playing squad. The operating loses must be dealt with at some point soon but I don't see it happening. As for the fans feeling bad about buying merchandise during the boycott? Why should they?, they were the ones actually helping the club even if the previous deal was crappy. The ones that boycotted? they did nothing other than help cripple the club financially.
  11. As long as the club is spending and spending the fans couldn't give a flying f**k about what goes on behind closed doors at Ibrox. Knowing King the extra cash will being going elsewhere and not where the Rangers fans think it will be going ie players wages and transfer fees. The club is running at a loss and has been for 5 years and King & Co has to turn it around but it doesn't look like he will do it prudently and imo has went for it all out this season chasing the dream with going for 55 and European glory.
  12. Press release from the club. https://rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/club-statement-77 The club now gives permission to the fans to end the boycott and buy club merchandise.
  13. Hostile take over, crippled the clubs finances back in 2014/2015 season asking the fans to boycott everything, lost the Nomad, struck of the stock exchange, the clubs accountants resigned, costly litigation in courts over a lot of things and releases unaudited accounts with figures that don't match officially audited accounts. Yip he has delivered.
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/40358177 Sounds like a good deal for King, I don't see much of that extra cash being released to the club as King and his cronies claw back them interest free loans the club has been relying upon. From the article the club has been given more soft interest free loans, must be over £40 million in operating loses since 2012.
  15. While you are waiting for the clip here's something to have a giggle at from Ragers Media when the goal went in and then the Bears went into meltdown mode. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/topic/295233-the-official-rangers-vs-hibernian-thread/?page=59
  16. ? Seen the warnings before in some posters by their content. Solitaire has some issues, and it's the plastics & diddies.
  17. Just watched some footage of Brani Alves in action. I think he will out Mohsni Belil Mohsni. Should be plenty of heads gone moments from him when things don't go so well.
  18. The state of you? You are heading for a monumental heads gone and then the banhammer will get you.
  19. You can watch Sevco as well and become one of us Sevco-watchers yourself. http://rangersfc.org/index.php?dn=news&to=art&id=2118 Awfy kind of TNS to give your mob a one nil start by the way.
  20. Using the official Rangers website released accounts from year ending June 2013 up until end of June 2016 depending on which accounts you use and ignoring any loans to the club, the clubs spending to revenue ratio is nearly a whopping £38 million deficit. I haven't factored in any loans given to the club or anything the club has paid back as a loan and have stuck with what the club earns and what the club spends and has been released in the accounts as FACT. Now interestingly when you have a look at the first set of accounts released during the King dynasty not long after the clubs accountants decided to resign there appears to be a discrepancy when comparing June 2015 to June 2014. In the last set of officially audited accounts from the Sleazedales era the club revenue raised is just over £25 million and operating costs were just short of £34 million, that's an operating loss of around £8.5 million and wages to turnover was at 26%. Last official audited accounts year ending June 2014 pages 11 &12. https://rangers.co.uk/images/staticcontent/documents/164581RangersAnnualReport.pdf Now here comes the Dave King creative accounting departments unaudited accounts where the last set of officially audited accounts used in his accounts to compare with his own released set somehow doesn't appear to match the audited accounts by millions. His figures he used to compare against his 2015 accounts are as as follows, revenue raised is now just over £17.5 million and operating expenses also fell down to just over £27.7 million and now the wages to turnover has now shot up to 37% making Kings 38% in his 2015 accounts look that much better. Also notable is that the operating loss for 2014 has increased by £1.5 million, what the hell is going on there? He has deliberately made the previous audited accounts to look far worse? Kings first set of unaudited accounts pages year ending June 2015 11 & 12. https://media.rangers.co.uk/uploads/2015/11/AnnualReport2015.pdf In Kings unaudited 2015 accounts it would appear that the club has an operating loss of around £10 million like the previous year before? aye right. But using his figures for a total of the clubs revenue raised and operating costs from June 2013 to June 2016 has now actually increased the deficit from just under £38 million to around £39.5 million. So just exactly where has this cash gone? Struck off the Stock Market and lost their Nomad and then finally the clubs accounts resigned to releasing accounts that differ from officially audited accounts? Aye things are going just well and nothing to get upset or worried about Bears. I'm sure Kings got it under control.
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