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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. Forever glue setting himself up for huge ribbing if things don't go to well by his triumphalism on P&B.
  2. They do love smashing records. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/topic/308465-crowd-records-we-will-break-on-thursday/ I think we should also add, record attendance for a home defeat in Europe in the qualifiers if it happens.
  3. 50K fans going to Ibrox solely for the glory because this is the first European tie they have attended in over 5 years. This has f**k all to do with saving your club by the way, it's the glory hunters coming out of the woodwork because they feel the club has spent enough to satisfy their starved egos and this season is going to the season they triumph, because they have spent and apparently spent more cash than they thought King would spend. I doubt the stadium would be sold out if last years duds were still the first team.
  4. It was a carefully worded fishing expedition. I thought if I just put Rangers then you **** would be happy but you decided to continue with the old/new club argument. Well done, it appears that The Rangers fans can't accept a seamless continuation and will still argue old/new club debate just to be cunty about things.
  5. Absolutely delicious meltdown from Solitaire. I found this wee beauty as well from May 2012 packed full of rage.
  6. Buy a cow and keep it in the fridge, problem sorted, fresh milk on tap straight out the fridge.
  7. Fine article indeed,focus on Celtic and how to improve the squad. But laugh at the seething mess King has made out of himself saying things that mean something only to him and whoever believes him. Great how he implicates that Aberdeen were basically our rivals now by naming them first when comparing the hard fixtures. I hope the **** catch onto this damn right outrage belittling their efforts in the league last season. Aberdeen>The Rangers. It's official, Brendan says so.
  8. @Greenlantern @TheCelt67 @wastecoatwilly While I agree with your posts about developing the current squad, I would have thought Brendan would have already identified which areas need to be improved upon from last years campaign. Perhaps a tad naive from me but I was hoping Celtic would have moved more swiftly in buying the players required as they were already identified as the player to fill and improve the squad. Maybe this is the case but it is all hush hush for now and more patience is required to find the right player at the right price if there is more than one target for a position needing filled. I'm not expecting an Exodus like at Ibrox, I'm hoping that we at least bring in a quality striker even if he costs the same as 3 or 4 decent strikers in the Premiership in wages as long as he bangs them in especially in Europe. A quality centre back who knows how to arrange a defence especially in set pieces and help develop our younger defenders coming through the ranks. Most importantly though!, a name I already know and have seen playing so I know what to expect because I know they are of quality.
  9. Hawd on Benny, wait till after Thursday nights game. You won't be disappointed.
  10. And it will be going on for at least another five years and well beyond that, it will never die away or go away as long as Rangers exist. You might as well get used to this horrific truth. There will always be a Sevco account on P&B who will post contestable content disregarding truths or real facts on a thread and it doesn't necessarily need to be a Rangers related thread by the way. It only needs to take a plastic or a diddy to reply "yer talking shite" said Sevco account then pushes for an answer why it's shite and then it all goes to f**k very very quickly. Best just to skip over the posts you can't be bothered with or want to read to posts that are relevant in your opinion because this sort of shit will always resurface time and time again. Rangers are there for the lording over because they fucked it and it's the funniest thing ever to happen to them, and reminding them it happened is called goading your rival but you are correct by the way.,It shouldn't really happen in threads outwith the threads that are created for it but it's always going to happen if the topic goes off football.
  11. Aye sure I am. Thought I was goading him but stalking sounds more sinister, so I'll go with that thanks.
  12. The state of you as well. You mean the same debate you have been having with me over 3 different threads? Nice of you to pin the blame on me when it was that fanny Nacho who spammed the fucking thread with THE DEBATE. So why don't you go and tell the fud to do one. AND!, the biggest culprit by far is The_Drunk entertaining us with his alcohol induced heads gone losing the plot completely because Nacho started all of this shite in the first place and he couldn't cope with the resulting farce from it. I only supplied some truth and some real facts.
  13. Indeed. The state of Kincardine losing his shit has caused it to descend into chaos & madness.
  14. We gave you players and let the **** get to the Cup Final so you could smash them, and you still want more Oliver? How much do you value McGinn and I'll have a word with Peter later to at least double it.
  15. Catch 22 probably, the board will be happy to win the league and reach the group stages of the Champions League but at how much is this worth and willing to risk to the clubs coffers. Spend more for an assault on Europe or spend enough just to repeat last seasons achievements? I hope there is a couple of high price tag players coming in of quality that will improve the squad significantly, as in high price tag for Celtic that is.
  16. In bold in red. The associations rewrote their rule books the year before Rangers went tits up so that they could rewrite their own entry rules to claim a shambolic continuity. They removed their insolvency rule that effectively killed off any club that entered into the liquidation procedure just in time before Rangers entered the act of liquidation the very next season.
  17. Offer them up as free transfers possibly to help shift them on, or at a ridiculous low fee. What's got me a little worried is the lack of business and rumours about possible signings. Arsenal did this a few years back and only brought one or two players in one season and it totally backfired.
  18. Not true Romeo, Rangers died trying to keep everyone in their place by all means necessary. This Rangers is going to die trying to emulate the last Rangers by trying to compete with pennies.
  19. Nearly as stupid as Kinky posting "arseholes to the BRALT" as he posted on the BRALT.
  20. Why apologise ffs, just another one of your funny f**k ups Benny, carry on.
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