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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. That post wasn't aimed or directed at your fair self KB. If you want a serious answer to "Protestant Catholics" I'll give it to you. During the English reformation at the beginning they were once called protesting Catholics and not just "Protestants". Only later during the reformation in a movement to distance themselves from the Catholic church they ditched the term being "Catholic". They also changed a few other things and made a new sect or religion. I only ever use it as a wind up. ^^^ Oh the fucking irony?
  2. I would just like to say "f**k YEAH". The Sevco fans will be shitting lego ehm duplo bricks now. Hope McInnes puts a cheeky well undervalued bid for The Rangers best player soon just to break the seetho meter at Ibrokes.
  3. I may have painted the wife in a bad light with my posts but she is really a very nice person. She just has a fair few annoying habits.
  4. Green and grey dross ffs! You have gone from being an obtuse auld fart about punctuation and grammar and cheap insults and the like to being what you once hated. Your demise into derogatory pet name calling, bigoted insults, alcohol induced meltdowns on a monumental scale and posting incredible grammar and punctuation errors must be one of the plastics & diddies greatest ever all time achievements.
  5. The amount of bookmarks you have racked up furiously tugging away at your tadger over Pedro's Catholic signing policy will definitely come back to haunt you should things go badly during the upcoming season. But hey ho, at least you can now go back in history and reclaim the the title of "Protestant Catholics".
  6. ^^^ Somebody jizzed in their boxer shorts before having a w**k over it first. Bruno is more likely to turn into a Dave McPherson that used to play for Rangers, f**k knows how McPherson got into the Scottish national team but he did. Celtic have signed far better players on paper than BruDanio Alves like Kolo Toure, but that hasn't worked out because the Scottish league is played at a much faster pace and continental players do like time on the ball. Hayes is most likely to partner Broonaldo in midfield and I like the sound and look of that.
  7. Will someone please help rid me of my 1690 rep count, thanks in advance. I feel so Glen Mintery with it. Hail hail.
  8. The absolute state of you ffs? Acting like a true Rangerian lashing out at all things scaffy.
  9. A woman convinces her man what it means to feel like a woman during sex.....
  10. My Mum years ago got so pissed on a night out she phoned home and asked me to phone her a cab home, I asked where she was to send the taxi to her and she came out with this stunner before hanging the pay phone up "I'm in the fucking phone box, where did you think I am?" True story by the way.
  11. Conspiracy and bookmarked for later. I decided to go onto the BBC sports website to find out Sevco's first opponents in the league last season and surprise surprise. Sevco's first 4 games in the league were Hamilton at home, Dundee at Dens Park, Motherwell at home and finally Kilmarnock at Rugby Park. Conspiracy my arse. I wouldn't be fucking surprised if it came up with those four clubs but in a different order.
  12. She has. She has killed off all hope and is currently working on destroying all my dreams. It's my will to live next I'm afraid.
  13. Not a fucking chance in hell, she is as punctual as they get. Says she'll be home by a certain time and usually gets home that little bit early, I did find out this reason one day and never forgot. It's so that I can't say to her that she has come home late after a night out like I tried once many years ago. Fly cow has all the bases covered. I have got home a bit late loads of times but at a cost at some point in the future, slave for a day type scenario.
  14. I have tried that, it only makes things worse. I even tried the old lost a fair chunk of money routine and had to wait for public transport with the change in my pocket to get home. Shame she is a fucking organic alcohol breathalyser and says breath out and can tell almost to the fucking minute when was the last time I had actually consumed alcohol.
  15. Just wait till she notices which type of tactic his has employed. He'll regret it as she manipulates him into using his usual same old way of dealing with it and then throw it back at him like a massive grenade with the fuse lit and everything he says only makes it detonate quicker.
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