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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. If only you could defend those walls better than you are defending a club that for over a decade cheated everyone in any competition they won. You don't half post a lot pish, wind and bluster. Your old club got fined for breaching the rules and the SFA decided to fine the company in liquidation??? This is a completely different scenario you deluded old drunk, the loans aren't deemed as loans any more which the oldclub did get away with but were fined for not disclosing to the associations they were giving players loans. Now they are payments in the form of wage top ups that weren't declared to the associations so that completely changes everything and every player who played for Rangers have now been deemed to be improperly registered. Hopefully you see this as the case now ffs. Or are you going to shove your head back up your arse and come back with some witty repost about bad glammar & shpeelin?
  2. Failed English international, no? Did this c**t no score a goal against Scotland on his début at nearly 30 years old? I'll wait for rumours that Messi & Ronaldo will want to go up against The Rangers with them claiming to be the best club in the world, that hasn't won anything of note.
  3. Are you going to hold up your old show the red card to liquidation like the last time you attended Ibrox?..... Oh wait a minute you'd need to go to a game ffs, sorry I did forget that all important piece of information Benny.
  4. ^^^^ Seetheco fan losing it. 50,000 glory hunters?, how many will be renewing next season after another season of abject failure and humiliation? How many will get out the pish stained bedsheets proclaiming they deserve better? How many protests will your fans hold outside the doors at Ibrox? how many will boycott if they are shite during the season? Take a good look at yourself first Bob, take a good look at yourself.
  5. I'll try my best Benny, I think most of the deidco cheating funnies have already been posted. Never mind though, we can still laugh at you.
  6. McInnes is a handsome bassa compared to Pedro who has the face of a castrated donkey.
  7. Come on Celtic ffs, show some sort of action in the transfer market please. The threads needing some chatter about big players linked who we won't sign or are linked too.
  8. Give them all pills if it supplies to sort of guff he has been posting from all the ****.
  9. Can I ask you a question? how long have you been a The Rangers supporter? It appears to me that you have very limited knowledge of the Scottish game as a whole and have just picked The Rangers because you feel they have been unjustifiably treated after their club died.
  10. I might go as far as saying he is having a Tedi! All that he hasn't done yet is supply a self exploding in your face backfiring link we will all ultimately make him look thick and stupid.
  11. I can virtually picture you having a meltdown trying to tell us plastics & diddies what you think happened during the meltdown of your club and the subsequent multiple fucking over of you and your fellow fans in the ensuing aftermath that your club was heading to the morgue in shame and abject humiliation. No matter how much you try to spin this to suit your warped view and ideology that you and your club was dealt with unfairly and unjustly, the Supreme Court outcome has legally in a court of law tarnished or tarred and feathered your club cheats of the highest order and magnitude that Scottish football has ever seen or will ever witness. So you can howl at the moon all you want it will never ever change the fact that Rangers FC PLC est 1872, the real Rangers FC cheated it's opposition or over a decade to avoid paying the HMRC less than a paltry £28K a week. That's the price each week your club tried to cheat it's opposition by and eventually got caught out for and paid the ultimate price of having to be put out of it's misery while we all laughed, and laughed, and pointed and laughed, OH, how we laughed at you and here you are posting desperate clutching of straws and we are still laughing at you.
  12. While everyone is justifiably pissed off that the **** are going to be most likely let off and allowed to keep their tainted cheated titles I'd thought I'd inject bit of humour for goading these c***s. After toting up the amount taken by directors and management and other staff not in the playing squad I reached an amount just short of £10.75 million and subtracted that from the proposed £47 million and was left with £36.25 million. The top tax barrier at the time was at 40% for top earnings so the amount these c***s tried to avoid paying players in tax came to £14.5 million, we now divide this by tens years and reach a sum of £1.45 million a year and then divide that by 52 weeks and we then end with is a paltry £27,887 a week the tramps tried to avoid paying tax in. Less than £28,000 a week killed of Rangers FC , the weekly wage equivalent to a shite player in their squad every week. How can such a massive club with all the financial resources at their disposal end up killing themselves just to save under £28 grand a week? Fucking tramps.
  13. Yeah I'm reading through them at the moment unfortunately through a few beers. ............................... OK you have made your point and that Rangers are now guilty of fielding improperly registered players and the HMRC have proved the soft loans to be earnings and taxable income to the HMRC in UK law. And the EBT scheme means the sum of feck all now. amarite?
  14. Just another point of fact that fudges up how the SFA dealt with Rangers cheating, the £250K fine they supposedly handed to the oldco in liquidation? In their rule book they detail explicitly that they only hand out fines to clubs seeing as clubs are their members. Then how the hell can they explain they handed out their largest ever punitive measure to a company in liquidation? How did they come to that conclusion? If they feel that The Rangers are still the very same club/member they have always had, then why didn't they fine the club still in existence according to them? Just thought I'd throw this into the mix.
  15. JIm?, what is actually your point here? Finally as we all know and hoped for, Rangers FC PLC have been found guilty of abusing a legal pension scheme with benefits to bribe players to play for them they otherwise couldn't have afforded, and it almost looks like you are defending their crime by saying it's not a sham??? It has been found out to be a sham hasn't it? The FTT & the UTT outcomes do not even matter one jot now other than they were previously contested outcomes.
  16. You've got a fucking cheek calling anyone a fanny by the way.
  17. I'm sure they will still have to pay VAT at 20% just like the rest of us or are they still exempt?
  18. Getting to the 3rd round could have potentially pocketed the club around £2 million with tickets to better clubs being jacked up. Maybe even more than that but by all accounts it looks like King has gone all in on both fronts, "A" to reach the group stages of the Europa League and a credible domestic title challenge finishing at least a solid second position well ahead of the rest. Dave King appears to be gambling with the clubs future based on the ideology that you and your fellow fans better stump up the cash or he will blame the fans for the club failing because your fellow supporters will boycott and abstain from supporting the club financially and by attendance to home fixtures. King could have stepped in and steadied the ship and used prudent measures but he didn't, he fought his way into Ibrox and has since made a complete fud out of himself and the fans every time his bottom lip flaps in a hurricane.
  19. Knew it, care to explain your warped view? thanks. I'm leaning towards some big c**t in New York rag dolled you with a Scottish accent wearing a Celtic top. Come on, spit it out and let us know why you hate Celtic supporting Scots.
  20. Financial misdeeds you say? They cheated as defined in the associations rulebooks as of today and also years ago their crime was second only to match fixing. Which rock have you been living under? You've been outed by the way, there isn't a snowballs chance in hell you are really a Rangers supporter if the club you support goes bust tomorrow and admitting they cheated by claiming you said they didn't cheat. Fess up man.
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