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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. Aye, that's what it is Benny. Nothing at all to do with how corrupt the associations were in the lead up to Rangers dying.
  2. Stopped reading at Sandy Bryson head of registrations at the SFA. Why?, because the SFA are corrupt as f**k towards The Rangers their demented brainchild. Next piece of pish to ignore Benny?
  3. Aye Dave not having to pay the 40% tax rate on top of the EBT loans not declared as earnings won't give the club a benefit of not having to pay tens of millions of pounds to the HMRC. Also great Gobbels type speech to rally The Rangers support into a frenzy at the possibility of their tainted titles getting binned. The support will now forget that Progres result all together now and focus on their tainted title trophy haul forgetting how shite Pedro and his plonkers really are until the next game. Great motivation and manipulation from the dodgy eyed fucker, he does know his market.
  4. Alex Rae?, received the princely sum of £569,000 for a two year period he spent at Rangers. His weekly increase from payments not declared to the SFA in forms of soft loans from the EBT scheme came to just less than £5,500 a week. If we factor in the relevant tax deductions for him to receive that extra £5.5K a week in his pocket we have to add 40% more to his soft loan to reach the amount if using the proper PAYE channels then we reach an amount of £7.5K thereabout. So any other club you say were chasing him to sign for their club would have to compete with more than Rangers were offering including the EBT money which is £7.5K a week more than declared. I don't think you know or understand the problem fully. Alex Rae was on technically a salary worth an extra £390,000 a year on top of his declared salary if Rangers had properly and legally used the PAYE system to pay their EBT players. And you think technically an extra £390,000 a year won't lure Rae to sign for Rangers? f**k aff.
  5. Yeah I know that now, sorted that with JMG earlier on. The fun bit came when the HMRC declared monies going into their EBT scheme as taxable earnings. So before the money left the UK to go offshore it was already taxable earnings and that's where the HMRC stuck the boot right into Rangers. It doesn't matter one jot about the EBT scheme any more because the HMRC have legally proven that in UK law Rangers were at it trying to avoid paying PAYE by using some dodgy financial mechanism. The FTT & UTT outcomes mean the sum of feck all really even though the Supreme Court agreed with these outcomes as legally binding contracts. Final conclusion!, we do not need to ever go around in circles about the legality of Rangers EBT trust and how it was implemented. The Supreme Court has judged the monies going into Rangers EBT scheme was in fact players earnings and was taxable earnings and Rangers were avoiding paying full tax. And now the players they signed and paid dodgy soft loans too have been improperly registered with the SFA because they had dual contracts one of which Rangers never declared to the SFA.
  6. Aye the Scotland side was shite so he is slightly less shite, pass.
  7. I was thinking more along the lines of him logging off, but yours is way more funnier.
  8. Seriously Kincardine? seriously? Wow, you just went the extra mile tonight with that post. Your fellow supporters and at times yourself behave like little school girls spamming the forum with repetitive shite on many threads throughout an evening. Especially when decisions went your way acting like complete tossers giving it the two fingers crap in posts. I hope you haven't pissed Div off by tagging him, if he reads this thread he might think it is you that's being a problem not getting along with others and have previously lost it sending him PM's about asterisks. This forum is supposed to be a fun experience but you want to be a boring old fart, lighten up ffs.
  9. He is probably a legend in his own head owning us P&D's with his superior intellectual cerebral skills.
  10. He would have called him a moon-howler joining in on the pack mentality savaging him like a dead sheep.
  11. Go back to the last page where I posted a sensible post to you as I have done on many occasions, as usual you just ignored it and avoided having an adult discussion pal. Fucking cheek of off you asking for proper discussion of the topic of the thread for you only to post insults and the like to selective posts. Also I have noticed you prefer particular posts posting content you like than posts containing reservations about things related to your club. And you yourself have posted utter dross after a good few and have lost the plot when you have fucked something right up. You can't help yourself at times can you? you can be as foolish as the people you call foolish, carry on.
  12. Aye, zombie sheep have teeth, zombie clubs just get sheep-shagged of off anyone willing to fleece it.
  13. Indeed, I will howl in any thread I want. Are we a pack of moon-howlers now?
  14. On paper, a really good signing for the club and a year too late imo. The sort of player The Rangers should have been after in the first place in the Premiership. If he can be a leader in the midfield then The Rangers have got themselves a potential player that should improve the quality in the middle of the park. Downside, apparently injury prone in his latter years and will he fit into Pedro's tactics and philosophy or will Pedro waste his talent playing him in positions and tactics not suited to his playing style.
  15. Glorious stuff Kinky, you're on a roll now "savaged by a dead sheep" ffs?.
  16. You've just made my night now. How does it feel being mauled by a pack of moon howlers?
  17. Oh, I see where you are going with this? You think you smell blood you old obnoxious c**t. Or is it a cunning plan of mine to lure you into posting something I can have a field day with?
  18. I do believe that is what it is called is it not when a case has to be looked at again? I could be wrong but then again you'll have to help me out here.
  19. Were they? If losing the big tax case was factored in, then the SPL commission would have been suspended until the BTC had legally been resolved before coming to a final conclusion. If they had factored in losing the big tax case outcome then imo they were fucking miles off and years out before coming to an outcome. Anyhoo Kinky, you support a club that has been labelled the biggest fucking cheats in the Scottish sporting world. Another record the **** won't want.
  20. And again you deluded munter. The loans aren't loans any more are they? Which now means they were payments and the double jeopardy rule must be re-looked at in light of the Supreme Courts judgement overturning the SPL's commission outcome that seen the EBT scheme was being used for tax free loans.
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