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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. No matter how fucking quiet you try to be in the wee hours of the night everything you do sounds like someone banging a stick on an empty oil drum.
  2. How we were dazzled by typing in a program which flashed your name in different colours and speeds, and I accidentally hit the green arrow by the way.
  3. Sometimes I think you should just change your team choice to "Rangers" MT.
  4. Same ones we used in the early 80's and late 70's by the way?, school funding problems eh?, is up there with text books that were printed back in the 60's.
  5. Yip, done that. "Hi operator, my money has just been swallowed up by the machine".
  6. We used to have a phone lock on our rotary dial up phone, it did not stop us from calling our friends when my mum used a lock on them. We just used the hook up to phone them although sometimes we phoned the wrong number.
  7. Are you posting links to them or uploading yourself? If you are posting links to Gif's, make sure you copy the image location and then click on insert other media and then paste the link location in and there you go. Note! some outside links fail to upload. Uploading your own Gif's, make sure they are 2MB or less and use "drag files or upload from your own PC/Laptop option.
  8. OOPS people I forgot Kinky inserted an "H" inside a word, just a few more to go. Hoping for a cheap knick name next as an insult.
  9. I got "diddies" and "Sevco" on my card, anyone else playing Kinky bingo?
  10. Was going to put something really witty in there to make your post look like utter pish mocking the shit out of you. Choice "A" was "Why don't you edit it so it doesn't look a state".
  11. 48 mate and don't act like it. I intend to be a fun Grandpa for the grand kids and total embarrassment to my kids.
  12. He said he loved the character he played because he got to throw money about like it was confetti at times and got to treat people like shit to get money off him. I preferred the old UK wrestling because I didn't know any better and thought the wrestling was real.
  13. OK. fair enough I cunted that one there, isn't the first time I've done it. Spoke to the guy in person and to be honest here all I heard was "Ted Biasi" sorry about the "o" due to me trying too type fast. Well spotted before The_Drunk got in there, did me a favour tbh.
  14. Aye spot on, Ted Biosi. Came to our church a few years back after he seen the light preaching the errors of his way.
  15. Limbo records!, that was the label, thanks. Colin Tevendale?, now that's ringing some bells with me. Thinking he had a gig at a locally funded radio station in the early 90's thereabout. If not wasn't he making tunes on one of their labels. Nope deffo keep thinking both here Kenny. Cannae remember Billy's brother but he was the one making records at the time while I was soaking up the tunes as he was out front spinning them in the shop to sell them.
  16. I personally would wish to thank Hedgecutter for this fantastic thread full of joyful past memories. Got to remember things I forgot about years ago and has brought many a smile and often a laugh out loud and no fucking way man I remember that. Cheers Hedgecutter.
  17. I spent countless wasted hours down in 23rd Precinct, oh the memories come flooding back. Got on well with Billy Kiltie? or is it Kilkie. They had their own record label, but can't remember the name at the mo and had the 1st 3 releases as a gesture because I did a college piece on how to run a music shop as part of my study. Main one sticks out called "I will trance you" wish I could find a recording of it. Anyhoo, got to hear all the latest 12" remixes, bootlegs and imports first before anyone else and that was what was important when going to a rave and asking for the right song by the right artist and more importantly the right mix for the drugs to take maximum effect. Cheers for that.
  18. Mine was in one of these I'm sure or it was the old Ford Granada for stealing apples from a local orchard. Caught up the tree trapped up there because the farmer "let loose the hounds". Oh the battering ma Maw gave me not because I was stealing apples but the shame of being taken home in a police car for all the neighbours to see.
  19. Oh ya fucker man, I had one of those battery drainers. Heavy as f**k as well with the batteries loaded.
  20. I was too young to have been huckled into the back of one and stayed way too close to Orkney St Police Station so I got ear grabbed and frog marched home by the fuzz.
  21. KB for a laugh, will you alter your signature and add at the end of it in red type "Deid" Go on, go on, go on and please please pretty please cherry on top etc.
  22. I just Googled to up with a black maria but alas I couldn't find one like those from Orkney St in Govan in the early 70's. Bummer.
  23. Any one old enough to remember when Police cars used to look like this?
  24. I had a Panasonic radio separate in my Hi Fi and the massive radio antenna across the bedroom wall and was joined up with a huge boom Ariel. After much fiddling around I managed to pick up Radio Forth clearly from Pollok? Radio Forth at that time played far better music than Radio Clyde at the weekends and I wanted to record them to play later. I also done a phone in to Radio Forth because I knew the answer and was told over the radio whilst it was feeding back worse than usual with the distance to turn the radio down and then quite politely told I couldn't win because I didn't live on the fucking Forth area? Although I did become a topic for a while on the show at the weekends because they were being listened in Glasgow and that Radio Forth had the better tunes..
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