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velo army

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Posts posted by velo army

  1. To be fair I imagine numbers has never seen "onus" written down. I have the opposite problem with words I've read but never heard spoken. I was mispronouncing "inculcate" and "flagellation" incorrectly for fucking ages which, as you can imagine, inculcated in me a propensity for self-flagellation.


    I was also part of the Living Room TA (the German for that is not Lebensraum) and really enjoyed seeing Jürgen Klinsmann with the trophy. I didn't catch who the foxy wifie was beside him though.

    Cracking stadium, excellent crowd and I am beyond delighted I didn't shell out to go.

  2. Echoing the other posts here, but I don't mind getting beat, but the gutless manner of that was galling. It's a team of captains and nobody took responsibility. Never before have I seen a Scotland team so embody the Scottish cringe. Nobody believed they belonged on the pitch with that German team, except maybe Tierney. 

    Genuinely awful and I don't honestly care that much about the rest of the tournament.

  3. Bump.

    Watched the first three episodes and this is again superb. The gore is perfectly OTT and the satire manages to be wonderfully observed too. 

    I'm really enjoying the development of the individual characters and their relationships. More Victoria Neumann is a massive plus for me too 😍.

  4. 1 hour ago, shizzlemanizzle said:

    I include myself in this bracket. Granted, I haven’t played competitive football since I was 14 but my point stands. It could have been me.

    I'm 41 and I'm not yet unavailable for selection. I choose to believe that Clarke has scouts at Goals in Aberdeen.

  5. I'm a bit of a weirdo in that I've never had a hankering to go to away games, so I'm not jealous of my pals who are there. I'm also, for some reason, a massive introvert when I go to games, so the idea of being in a pub filled with Scotland fans isn't my idea of a great time (pre-match anyway). 

    Anyway. It'll be Ma Cameron's or Malone's for me. I think the friendlies have affected my enthusiasm tbh. 

  6. I was already a little iffy about this case being mostly tried on probability, but hearing what the "expert witness" had to say in the New Yorker article was pretty alarming. It does seem that a lot of "evidence" is in fact supposition aided by a predetermined narrative of guilt. 

    The scribbled notes she wrote shouldn't have been used at all and there seems to be so many confounding variables as well as a frankly innumerate use of stats.

    I have a real fear that this could be the greatest non-lethal miscarriage of justice in British legal history.

  7. Can we get some flegs in the thread title please? I know we're playing Germany and Switzerland but brutalist minimalism isn't to my taste. 

    I honestly am not particularly excited about tomorrow, which is a weird thing to feel. I daresay I'll feel differently at 8pm. 

    1-0 Scotland. McTominay with a thunderbolt from the edge of the box.

  8. On 09/06/2024 at 20:03, Savage Henry said:

    Quite clearly McTominay isn’t going to play right wing back.  I have absolutely no recollection of him ever having done so.  It’ll be Ralston


    The only two positions up for grabs against Germany at least is one of the centre back slots and whether McTominay or Christie gets the more advanced midfield role.  

    He played there for Man U under 21s. 

  9. That short interview clip on STV news looks like TV gold already. The full thing is on Scotland Tonight and I might just go out and buy a TV to watch it. Ross is going to hang himself live on national television and it'll be stupendous viewing. The boy interviewing him seems to be gunning for him as well. This will be more memorable and iconic than the moon landings.

  10. On 30/05/2024 at 03:17, The Golden God said:

    Pundits saying it shouldn’t be a penalty for hand ball because the player didn’t mean it, short of a Suarez v Ghana situation, no player is ever going to actively choose to handle the ball in the box. It being deliberate or not should only be considered in terms of booking the player. 

    All these new stats that appear ever year, things like xG I can understand but when they’re saying “duels won and “successful dribbles” etc it drives me mental. What determines a “successful” dribble? If you run by a midfielder in to a crowded area is that successful dribble? You’ve got by him but you’ve not gained any advantage. You can “win” a duel if the ball bounces off you and onto a team mate but that is just luck, it also doesn’t mean you’re in a better position, say it goes to your fullback who’s immediately under pressure and blasts it up the park to no one?

    There’s so many stats now that people will find any one to claim a player they like actually played well despite anyone who actually watched the game knowing they done f**k all. 

    It's rubbish. Stats themselves often can't tell you much, but made-up nonsense stats are even worse. It's as if those who are in charge of broadcasting the game don't have the confidence that their product (the most popular sport in the world) is enough to hold interest, that more intrigue has to be manufactured in the form of bullshit statistics. I now actively ignore anyone who starts going on about xG and other related nonsense. And Guardiola can f**k off an a'.

  11. Is it even possible to lose 100-0? There's a part of me in the dark depths of my soul that would love to see this, but you'd have to not celebrate your goals and just hope the opposition are in a hurry. You'd also need to rely on the opposition coughing up possession every 10 seconds or so.

    Make it happen, Shir Shteve.

  12. On 05/06/2024 at 09:17, Nightmare said:

    That would only serve to harm the Championship clubs. The top flight clubs wouldn't give a shit; in fact, they'd probably welcome it.

    Agreed with the general principle that the SPFL allowing this whole thing to happen is awfully murky. Not the result of the vote itself, but the manner by which the vote occurred, in only consulting the Premiership clubs. It's a disgrace.

    Ach aye, I was fairly sure boycotting the cups wasn't sensible, but I'd like to see us do something to challenge this. It's an appallingly harmful decision.

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