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velo army

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Posts posted by velo army

  1. Just now, The Moonster said:

    Tbh I remember reading something on it years ago and can't seem to find the exact article. On checking just now, it appears it was claimed in 2016 and there is some debate over it, well there's no debate that it has very good stuff in it for humans but "super food" doesn't actually seem to have any scientific benchmark to guage it with.

    Aye it seems to depend on manufacturers regarding the iron levels, and there's some links between the type of iron (haem iron) and certain cancers. The salt levels and saturated fat content would probably discount any proposed benefits (if any) that the iron content may bring.

    What we do know is that good black pudding as part of a fried breakfast is wonderful 😊.

  2. London Has Fallen.

    I know, it serves me right, but I saw the cast and felt a bit of hope that it wouldn't be dire. It was fucking dreadful and I quit half way through. It's a profoundly stupid movie in which every person in it is stupid and the plot feels like it was written by a child. There's a terrorist attack in London which wipes out the leaders of some very important countries (but not the UK and US, hoorah). All the police present are apparently involved. Why? No idea. The motivation for it seems to have been a drone killing of a Pakistani wedding. Quite why white English police officers would suddenly decide to participate in a kamikaze revenge attack isn't explained. Where the rest of the Metropolitan Police are after this, with baddies coming out of every side street as the President and his Bodyguards escape, isn't entirely clear. 

    It's terrible and the script is worse. Morgan Freeman just takes whatever work is going, it seems. He must have Nicolas Cage type debts. 

  3. Not to tell people what they should or shouldn't watch, and I'm glad you find it captivating etc, but how much more do we need to see of the Holocaust? I read the book, and it's a heartrending story, but it led to a bunch of similar books ("the photographer of Auschwitz" and probably "the dinner lady of Auschwitz" as well) which seemed to tug at the hearstrings in the same way. At some point it starts to feel a bit manipulative and mawkish. I guess there's always an appetite for awfulness. I just found myself shaking my head when I saw they'd made a series of this. It's probably a very unpopular opinion, but I think the Holocaust has been done to.....well, you know what I mean.

  4. Black pudding with a bit of goat's cheese and marmalade on a roll is absolute heaven.

    Don't know how unpopular this is, but taking photos at parties and nights out is for "look at me" narcissists. It takes me out of the experience I'm having and, probably key to all of this, I fucking hate posing for photographs. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    I get that, but I wouldn't trust them to make a tofu sandwich if they abandoned a tiny minority they previously supported because of a social media campaign by Graham Linehan, JK Rowling and the Reverend Stuart Campbell.

    I'm not suggesting a volte face, simply a reordering of priorities.

  6. Just now, welshbairn said:

    I'm beginning to realise why you were wary of being pilloried for white knighting now.

    As I said. They're the good guy party, but they need to be pragmatic and focus on issues that people care about to the extent that they will vote on it. Workplace democracy, anti-poverty measures, green new deal. Exciting things that people can get passionate about. They're making themselves electable to the few suburban middle class folk who were always going to vote for them. They're the appendix of the Scottish parliament.

  7. 37 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    Do you know when the Greens took such an interest? My thoughts are if the SNP had ignored the likes of Fergus Ewing in the late 2010s, when Ireland had already put through GRR with little fuss, and Theresa May was trying to do the same before Brexit swamped everything, it wouldn't be an issue, now it's a main battlefield of the culture wars despite it affecting a tiny group of people. Were the Greens big on it before JKR stuck her oar in?

    The thing with the Greens is they aren't much of a top down party. They're a democratic party whose manifesto is provided by the membership. I went to a meeting in about 2016 when we were planning to leaflet for a council election and they were just about to vote on a new manifesto, which was being passed around. It was full of gender equality type stuff that at the time was only the preserve of 19 year old Sociology students. Fair enough, and it didn't seem to dominate that much. I expected it to always be a policy and something that they cared passionately about. Good on them and they are genuinely a Good Guy party.

    I'm bamboozled and disillusioned that they've basically become the trans party now. It's honestly bonkers and a huge, huge missed opportunity.

  8. 1 hour ago, Jedi2 said:

    Point out a transphobic comment in anything I have said then.

    Clue: Saying that the SNP will be back on board with the Greens 'Equality' agenda in any sane world is not transphobic. (I appreciate that in witch finder/thought/Hate Crime Scotland it is probably considered to be such, but really it's not 

    The Greens are on record as saying that their 'top' priority is to promote Trans Rights. Should that be on a 'programme' for a govt? Don't see why not.

    Should it be above Education, Health, Transport, Poverty, Crime, the Environment, Trade Union Rights, Policing, Fair Pay, Reducing violence against women and girls, Immigration, Housing...?

    I'll let you decide.

    As much as I may get pilloried for"white knighting" I also find the Greens' emphasis on trans related policies to be frustrating. I'm a member of that party and joined because of their economically left wing policies and, obviously, position on environment and sustainability. Trans related policies aren't vote winners. I honestly wish they were more focussed on the issues people actually vote on.

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