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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. yes We shall never be rid of them. I think we all know that. Even if they were completely erased, four tubes would start a new club, call it Rangers and the Orcs would follow follow.
  2. Dots don't amount to a hill of beans where the Amigos' Mutual Appreciation Society is concerned.
  3. Agreed! But I genuinely don't understand how two people can honestly see the same incident differently (and I'm generalising, not talking about this specific instance) I suppose this is one factor which caused football to be so popular in the days before video relpays. Pub 'arguments' going round and round all night.
  4. Should we not be discouraging this line of thought? Lennon must stay! McCoist must stay!
  5. Are there any referees on this site who could comment? Perhaps my understanding of the rules is flawed. I know that refs are given advice on how to deal with certain situations and maybe this falls into that category. BUT if a handball IS accidental, it shouldn't matter what happens to the ball afterwards. Now, I really don't want to hijack this thread away from the celebratory feel so will simply say "That's fitba' ".
  6. I've just watched the clip and it didn't look like deliberate handball to me. Or even a case of leaving your arm where it shouldn't be. I can understand (and participate in) the glee of seeing Celtic ejected from the cup but I'm not going to don blinkers concerning refereeing decisions. Having said that, the ref has to call it instantly, he doesn't have tv replay.
  7. Not Celtic's favourite competition............. Well done Morton, hope we can join you in the next round.
  8. Well, that's Tesco getting boycotted then. There won't be anywhere left for their wives to shoplift.
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/burma-journal/buddhist-monk-wirathu-lea_b_3481807.html Tibetans may be less hostile.
  10. Logic and past precedent. ETA Do they really need to post the accounts soon? Was there not some 6 month delay loophole for new start ups ? They are new, you know. We badly need a deadline. I suppose the AGM will have to suffice.
  11. That idea is SO original ! Well done. Hope your big brother makes a good job of it.
  12. Rangers were not held responsible for the disaster but didn't come out of it exactly smelling of roses.
  13. The Orcs are simply disgusting. There is no other way to put it. Even when The Ringers die, they will still be among us, polluting the place. Maybe we could partition Scotland instead of having a referendum. They can have the bit nearest Norn Iron, we can disperse the current residents throughout the old Orc enclosures. On second thoughts, maybe just round 'em up and put them in cattle trains, then a ferry to the land of their dreams, NI (rvana). Go home and gie us peace. Of course, I mean that in a nice way, not trying to cause offence or anything, oh dearie me no.
  14. Rangers football club BECAME a company. That company was placed in liquidation. That company is dead, cogito ergo sum , the 'club' is dead. It does not matter what Nimbo Bimbo has said. Anyway, if you actually read what he said "A club is treated as a recognisable entity which is capable of being owned and operated, and which continues on existence despite its transfer to another owner and operator." He didn't actually say that Rangers fell into that category. That's because, as I said above, they BECAME a company. They were not being 'operated' by a company, as they are now. In fact, they may still NOT be a club. Do they have all that 'articles of association' stuff? They may just be a 'footballing entity' (or non-entity) It's all very confusing for the berzz.
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