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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. On a pedantic note, what's this "light blues"? I thought they played in "blue" but then again I'm not a fan. Man City is more what I'd call "light blue",( although I am aware they are called the "sky blues") They couldn't afford another two salaries.
  2. Aren't these the kind of documents that would have been put to the shredder? Maybe CF was a shredder who didn't shred.
  3. I suspect there may be a 'pact'. They are waiting until the Messiah arrives, then they will fall upon us like a pack of ravening wolves. Good luck with that.
  4. Don't know if it's been mentioned but the Ibrox AGM is lined up for 3rd week in December. Anticipating lots of seasonal jokes. ETA I sometimes see a member 'reading this topic' called Bing (1). However I can't find him in the members list. How does that work? Are there any others that don't show up? (Nothing against Bing (1) btw, just curious.)
  5. Slightly off topic, how can these legal types justify this sort of thing. 16,000 words to say " Naw, that's pish"
  6. I saw this image and it immediately made me think of someone who posts regular nonsense on here. I see it when someone quotes him. Despite the fact that I have him on ignore, I cannot escape his shit contribution. I do hope I am not betraying some deep psychological disturbance.
  7. From the same article So, he must have concluded "that lot" aren't against them any more.
  8. Seem to be quite a few banned recently. Is there any way to find out the reason? Have the mods gone crazy? Has the board been hacked? I think there should be transparency!
  9. He is indeed all of these things and more but that sort of response is just what he wants. The ignore function is the best answer. And don't quote him. Starve him of the oxygen of attention.
  10. Sorry Bloomo, I"ll leave it there. Your 'explanations' only confused me . Thanks anyway.
  11. Two things 1 Would it be 15 points or more? Seriously. The SFA says it's the same club................. 2 I know the bald facts about what the companies are but I don't know what it actually MEANS in real terms. I'm not a business expert. Can the limited company be "spun off"? If yes, then that leaves the PLC with nothing, so that won't happen. Can more shares be issued in the PLC? Yes, but that dilutes the holdings of the existing shareholders, so that is unlikely. Could someone pay 50 million (or whatever) for the whole shebang? Don't make me laugh. So, where next? They seem to be destined to bump along from one day to the next for a while yet. And although you say TRFC Ltd is referred to as the 'club' these days, we know from past events that 'the club' is different from 'the company' (according to some).The present arrangement of 'club' and 'company' is just the same as it was when the previous Rangers went bust except that there is now another layer, the 'parent' company, TRIFC.
  12. Very much off topic. Doesn't want to talk about his 'club'. Not surprising really.
  13. Didn't really answer the point of my query but buying them in admin does seem the best route. The fans could force that by not buying STs or merchandise , clumpany goes into admin, King David returns, a few points deducted, kushty., They'll NEVER do it. ETA Sorry, still confused. Who goes into admin in the above scenario. TRIFC plc or TRFC ltd .........or the "club"?
  14. Let me see if I've got this right. King will probably NOT get on the board of TRIFC plc However, he COULD possibly (?) join the board of TRFC ltd. If he gives bundles of money to TRFC ltd to buy players, pay wages, etc then these improved assets would be owned by TRIFC plc. So the beneficiaries of King's possible return would be the majority shareholders in TRIFC plc and King would have SFA, ( ), just a place on a board of a private limited company which is owned by a public limited company. Have I understood things correctly? The two company, one club thing has me confused. If this has already been explained for the hard of thought, I apologise.
  15. This. Please don't tell me how many squousandz of pounds they get paid for eating, drinking , watching fitba' and sitting in big motors.. Blazery, suity kants. Gie's a joab. Ah could dae that.
  16. "UP the Clyde" HTH That's a reference to a real banana boat. Not the sewage boat which did indeed go down the Clyde.( When laden, anyway.) Keep forgetting I am older that most on here........ Forgetting...............whit? Off topic, but nothing's happening. When's the next deadline? Must be the AGM, or one of the court cases.
  17. At least now Leggo knows how all the individuals targetted by "ra peepul" feel. But he must fancy himself as being a bit hard. What age is he? 72? 88?
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