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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. You complained about someone calling you a halfwit. You don't even know what a 'mentalist' is, do you?
  2. Why do you think it's correct that one club should be given preference over the others? (if you are just being a cvnt, fair enough, don't bother replying.)
  3. I am genuinely confused by this. This is how I understand it. Rangers International Football Club is a public limited company (but not a football club) which has a subsidiary company, The Rangers Football Club Ltd which is a private limited company and IS a football club. "The Board" runs the PLC. Who runs the LTD company, the "Club"? The same guys?
  4. Sir Terry Pratchet to wife "Who am I?" Sorry, not funny. But I did think it so have to 'fess up.
  5. Bing is watching again. I can't find Bing in the members list. Bing worries me.
  6. I've just been on the share thread. Am I correct in thinking that 2 different investment companies have recently climbed on board the bad ship TRIFC?
  7. I was on here most of today. I turn my back for 5 fkn minutes (or so) and it takes off again.
  8. Off topic:- Apparently it does NOT say 'I told you I was ill' on his gravestone. He wanted that but the church authority wouldn't allow it. Source, Radio 4 this morning.
  9. Careful, you'll get Timmy accusations with all this honest comment. You wouldn't want that, would you? All we can hope for imo is the appearance on the scene of the next Alex Ferguson or Jim McLean. Hopefully not at Ibrox. (monthly rental 1M pounds)
  10. You seem happy to admit that you think The Rangers will benefit from special treatment from the football authorities. This implies that you don't really think that the clumpany is capable of surviving through its own endeavours. With the existing fan base, The Rangers should be able to survive and indeed thrive on the Scottish scene if they are fiscally prudent but any possible decent showing in Europe is many years away (if they survive the next 12 months) and I can't see them, or anyone else, overtaking Celtic for even longer. More's the pity.
  11. Bugger.Beaten to it. I was going to post exactly that. Well, almost exactly. ETA I welcome dasodaha as a bit of fresh amusement. Some of the regular bearz on here have become much too sensible. (I'm sure that would change if the legendary DK WERE to arrive but you could hardly blame them)
  12. No one is disputing Bill Gates' wealth either. Like King he will not be investing in The Rangers.
  13. "bruited". Impressive. You been taking a dictionary to the bogs? Kinky will be jealous.
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