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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. More on the 'quandary'. Should they buy or should they not? If they buy there will be trouble. If they don't, it may be double. Berrz you've got to let us know, will ye buy or will ye no' ?
  2. Who opened the door of the berrz cage? New berrz too............well, maybe just recycled. They seem to be getting excited over something. Poor deluded berrz. They're turning on Wallace now, he'll be gone soon.
  3. Don't know tbh. Don't really care either, as long as there are plenty of laughs
  4. That's that Arma-fkn-geddon thing again, isn't it? Pffft. You are half correct but they will only do it because of the MONEY! Skin the berrz.
  5. From the Telegraph ETA My bad..............I presume you can't do CVAs on a Saturday morning.
  6. The season officially ends on Friday. Saturday. Will they go for a quick CVA to avoid the chance of a 25 point deduction if it happens after that? :lol: Keep it coming! ETA My error.
  7. I believe the word was used intentionally. It was all part of the pointing, laughing and taking the piss. Similar to what is happening now. :lol:
  8. It looks like they don't know which way to turn. Caught between a rock and a hard place, to use a pretty crap Americanism. It's all very amusing. We will have The Rangers The Turd soon, More laughs to come.
  9. I did it. Couldn't find anything about King currently being investigated by SARS. In fact he seems to be doing rather well as far as wealth held in shares is concerned. Shares, eh? We all know how they can go up or down.
  10. Hiya Bing(2)! I see Bing(1) is online but I still can't find him in 'members'. Nor can I 'mouse over' his name to get info. Is this a Lodge thing?
  11. When I had a look at that, I saw this. Which one of P&B posted it? No-one can be THAT thick..............................can they?
  12. PayPal? They will NEVER use PayPal. Just say it aloud.......................
  13. Chips, you say? (Supper) Ally's your man. I know, I know , tired old joke.................but he's all they've got
  14. I particularly enjoyed the bit at the end of the article you linked to "Mr Stockbridge is adamant the club does not need to be playing in the top flight to be profitable. He admits to being "horrified" at some commercial contracts into which the club had previously been tied, but is delighted with where it now stands".
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