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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Even Bill McMurdo has started to smell the coffee. Although he can't bring himself to talk about The Rangers without dragging in the Other Lot.
  2. Now that's what I call a good price increase. I'm tempted but it's probably already too late.
  3. It hardly matters but I couldn't see any ice coming out of that bucket. Trust Chucky to do the 'warm water' bucket challenge.
  4. I searched on the 'net for 'rangers shares' and found nothing from the msm. The stock market side of things is more likely to destroy them than anything else but no-one seems to be talking about it.
  5. Indeed. I hope they don't scare him off anytime soon. Fatso must stay. We love him.......................ok, I took that too far.
  6. Orcmedia has been very entertaining today. PMSL. Poor berrz.........................nah, fkm.
  7. In reality, you'd probably just sit and cry, holding onto someone.
  8. Amateur video, just on tv, claims to show a rocket launcher sneaking over the border into Russia.
  9. Hindsight? You've been wearing blinkers, no surprise there. As has been said, read the thread.
  10. They just can't bear (sic) to watch their team get gubbed again and again. Pussies, not bears.
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