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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. I looked at orcmedia. There is much discord there. Pleasing. .This one is good. Edited for clarification
  2. Yes, granted. But surely the football authorities would be amenable to the transfer of licence and (mythical) club status from RFC to RIFC,making RIFC the 'club' then the RFC name could be changed to something like "diddy team fc" then RIFC could change to The Rangers FC. It's just swapping stuff around, I don't see any problem there if it's all done before any CVA or liquidation event........................or am I just being silly?
  3. Yes and yes. On this subject, why can't they just transfer the mythical, phantom, indefinable 'club' status from RFC to RIFC and cast the currant (sic) Ltd Company adrift?
  4. So it's not a done deal yet. Why the happiness from the Orcs? Is that at today's share price or a future share price? Rubber stamps, rubber cheques, bouncy, bouncy. Tick tock. eta just saw your post Mikebhoy123, please excuse repitition.
  5. Pedants corner. Scotland's population was recently said to be 5.5M. Wikipedia has it at 5.2M. It will hopefully fall if there is a YES vote when some Unionists f**k off to Wales or NI . I am definitely only here for The Rangers. It's the BRALT, after all. It's been great fun, although I will admit to a certain ennui concerning the slow pace of events recently. However, I am confident that some enjoyable news will arrive soon enough.
  6. These last 2 years on P&B A pile of absolute nonsensical shite from the Orcs. Tick Tock, happy Valentine's.
  7. I would have thought that asbestos would not have been used in construction for a long time now, since its dangers have been well documented. Apparently it was only banned in the UK in 1999. That surprised me. So, theoretically, there could be asbestos in many 'modern' buildings.
  8. OK thanks , I agree (I think) . I got confused for a minute ETA I see Bing(1) AND Bing(2) are watching. No details if you mouse over the name. What IS that?
  9. Who owns the shares in the Private Ltd Co. ? I can't remember if it's been detailed.
  10. Meeting scheduled for 14th February. Really? Whoosh! I've an idea. We don't post anything new and just start reading the BRALT again from page one.
  11. Just call him Phil McGobbledygook and save folk the bother of looking up dictionaries. ETA One of the ghostly Bings is watching!
  12. I was looking at an Orc website, on a page from last November where there is a rumour that Lee Wallace will go in January (value around 3Mil) and saw this.( Doesn't look like a typo, just a thicko.) It reminded me of Dr Hilary Heidi Poon. Anyone know if she is involved again with the tax appeal thingy? Any news on that front? edit for memory lapse
  13. Anybody up in Aberdeen seen a fat fvckin' orc waddling about in a 'nice snug' top?
  14. Delusions of grandeur A worldwide force ffs. MOST folk on the planet won't even have heard of them. They really are unbelievably thick.
  15. Now, I may be mistaken but I'm SURE we've heard all this before. Silly Billies, slow learners............non-learners in fact. I imagine Celtic would defeat The Rangers rather easily in a cup tie. Although, tbf, you do get the occasional giant killing in fitba'. I would normally root for the underdog but nah, they wouldn't consider themselves the 'wee' team so fvck em. (IF it ever happens)
  16. And after five and a half years of turbulence, Portsmouth nestle in the depths of Tier 4.......................................... Surely that couldn't happen to The Rangers, could it? eta I see the ghostly Bing(2) is watching.
  17. That's what I thought. Wealth "off the scale" would, to me, mean too much to count. "Off the radar" means hidden from detection, in my book. Of course, knowing Whyte as we do now, it's more likely to be the latter.
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