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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. He also wanted an independent Scotland to join the Euro (IIRC) which is now 20% stronger against the pound than it was in 2008. Maybe, just maybe, Scotland would have influenced RoI and others in a positive fashion. Who knows? Pedantic note- UK, not Great Britain.
  2. It's refreshing to see that the death of Rangers has encouraged the fans of the new club at ibrox to take an interest in the other clubs in Scotland. It's just a pity this interest will be short-lived.
  3. I saw that Bing (1) was reading this thread again. I can't find Bing (1) in the members list. What's that about?
  4. So now a new CEO. Roll on the AGM. Popcorn time. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25011885 ETA Sorry Kiddy, missed your earlier post.
  5. Don't make me laugh. Saw this rumour but cannot find anything to back it up. Probably just t*mmy* wishful thinking. * can't remember if 't*mmy' is a bad word or not, so, sorry or not sorry
  6. Share price slipping again this morning. That's bad news for shareholders, obviously, but good news for anyone wishing to buy them out.
  7. When the market is closed, the 'spread' is usually much wider. The buying price is higher and the selling price lower. However, in this case it seems like a real drop in the underlying share price. I have seen it go a half penny lower after close in the past, only to regain the half penny next day, but this is larger. Something afoot? ETA further perusal shows 200,000 shares sold in about half an hour this afternoon in 3 sales.
  8. I understand your sarcasm but I doubt very much if the legalities have been adhered to. It depends on how serious any sanctions/punishments could be. TICK FKN TOCK!
  9. I like this bit (amongst others) Smoke and mirrors. Ducking and diving. Dodging and weaving. Tick Tock.
  10. Read the thread, you'll get a fair idea of his ideology. And it'll keep you busy for about a month. I didn't get a virus warning on the site that WRK linked. Maybe your anti-virus has a virus.
  11. At last some real news about Intergers to keep the BRALT interesting. Here's hoping for more, soon.
  12. They can't be 'enjoying the journey' much when they're going on about what's going to be happening in (possibly) ten months time, when they are playing with the big boys. Pleasing.
  13. I smell shite. I reckon someone has paid for that ad for lolz. Well I'm lolzing :lol:
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