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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Who gives a f**k? Still provides excellent entertainment. We still have the coming months (weeks?) in which to laugh at the current (sic) incumbents
  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ..........stoap it! ma sides! You have posted a message with more emoticons than this community allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message
  3. The main thing is for the loyal supporter to come out, to a man, and GIVE US THEIR MONEY. C'mon berz, cough up.
  4. Maybe a BRALT II ? BRALT - The Sequel ? Return of The BRALT ? I'm lovin' it.
  5. Off topic but the above was only true before the arrival of personal computers...................................
  6. Careful HB, you left yourself open to a sneaky left hook there..........................
  7. Beat me to it. And what about this gem, For every 3 pounds Celtic spend................. It really defies belief. I think maybe he knows fck all about what happened recently. He's giving that impression.
  8. ------------------------------------------ Although he's technically correct on the shares angle, we all know that football clubs are "different" from normal businesses. And as for Easedale he should just ignore any abuse. Stupid twat.
  9. Calvin Klein is bringing out a new scent called "Pointing and Laughing". It's in a blue bottle.
  10. Easedale adopting Barclay brothers' tactics. Disgusting. Still, should cause some friction amongst the 'fans'. More fun to come.
  11. OK, so it's Twitter and from a 'Thimmy' source but it seems the Easedale loan was not 'free'.
  12. If The Rangers go into admin, get docked 25 points, don't win another game and are overtaken by the Pars, do they still get to keep the title?
  13. I'm sure the 120 days thing is to get them to the end of the season before the shit hits the fan and as has already been said, guarantees Wallace at least 4 months dosh. There IS a plan, but it's not a good one for the berrz. Tick Tock.
  14. It makes sense. They're fucked if he does and probably fucked if he doesn't. It's not his place to pull the trigger. ETA Where's ra berrz?
  15. Exactly. Arrogant, patronising, WATP mentality. "We cheated (for decades) and got away with it. What are you going to do? GIUY." Well, the pigeons took their time but will be coming home to roost soon.......... and to shite on the b*****ds below.
  16. Is the BBC still banned? Where is Traynor now? I have not heard of any apology from the supporters. I'm pleased the tax tribunal has started, it should generate some news. The loan is good too, another 150,000 pounds wasted. And, from the BBC, Really? What a surprise.
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