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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Good thread but it seems opinions are divided. Some people like certain models, others don't. I just want one that is reliable and works for a few years. I will try to distill the above info and make a decision. (OnePlus One sounds good but I really want a cheap 2nd hand phone). Problem is trusting the seller, been disappointed before. I'd have to actually use it before buying. My current phone is the HTC One which I was given because the wifi signal was weak. It has now gone completely (as detailed in another thread) that's why I want an old, trusty model. The quest continues. I'll follow this thread.
  2. Hee hee! I see FOTR (Fans Of The Rangers) are upset at Celtic's poor form because they are in no position to benefit from it.(and probably never will be) Knuckle dragging, thesaurus munching fannies.
  3. I see they are trying to create a false distinction between the limited co. (which IS the football club) and the mythical , ethereal, intangible, phantasmogorical 'club' , Here we go again.
  4. I'll be heading north later in October, unfortunately not passing close enough to Chucky's chateau that I could pop in for une tasse de thé. Shame, I'm sure he would be very welcoming.
  5. I saw it yesterday. They must have thought it could come under religious discrimination/abuse or some such thing and pulled it. MT said "These people are adults". Well we don't know that for a fact but it's the impression that I get. They really are horrible.
  6. Well, I'm in France but you can rule me out. eta I'm seeing a double post from you, DB. Be a good chap and tidy it up. .
  7. I was aware of the jump in WRN share price from 4p to 40p. I did not believe it would rise like that again in the short term. Now 198.5p (not pounds) Didn't bet on Hibs either!
  8. I've had quite a few drinkth in Alyth. Uthually the Lothet bar. I could not remember that band's name and had to google it. Gompie. Still don't remember it..
  9. And another 50,000 today at the same price, it appears. Someone throwing money away? Or someone who knows (or thinks he knows) something?
  10. Ha! I've sussed the reason why the big NO vote has disappeared recently. When the early polls were done, this happened:- Southern pollster "And how will you be voting, my good man?" Scottish person "Ah'm no' votin' " With the latest polls, all the would-be non-voters are properly identified and voila, a decline in the NO vote.
  11. but it's an important issue so I'll join in. As a Scot now living in England I don't think I should have a vote. But I left voluntarily. Many Scots abroad (I'm not going back as far as the 'clearances') were 'forced' to emigrate in order to find work and a better life, in places like Canada , NZ, Australia etc. (and England) Perhaps, just perhaps, if Scotland had not been mis-ruled from Westminster things could have been different and they would mostly all still be here. We will never know. Hey, things might have been worse, parcel of rogues and all that, but I doubt it. FYI the reason I left, after retirement, was simply to escape the weather. F'kn hate the rain and cauld.
  12. As far as I am aware, buying shares in The Rangers International Football Club means you have shares in that public limited company, which is listed on the Alternative Investment Market under the symbol 'RFC' The con was that the fans believed they were buying shares in the 'club', Rangers Football Club Ltd, which is a private limited company, whereas it was actually in the holding company TRIFC.
  13. Apparently, despite the fact that no-one likes them, they don't care. They really don't. No, really, they don't. Aye they f'kn dae! They f'kn hate it when the pish gets ripped. Glorious. Poor Goths.
  14. that was yesterday. You're squirming. Just say Paisley was a Rangers fan and you're home free.
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