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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Got to be a joke somewhere along the lines of "we gave you the Hearts" but I can't come up with it. If Hibs perked up it could be a double Whammy. Coat goat........ Hey! It's xmas eve ffs, drink has been taken.
  2. Never mind panto, it's getting to be like a soap opera whose ratings are falling so they introduce a horendous train crash or romantic catastrophe (or AGM) to lure the audience back. It really is getting beyond a joke. (but I'm still laughing)
  3. This just gets funnier. When's it going to end? Part of me hopes soon but I'm enjoying it so much, maybe a wee bit more would be good.
  4. Gave you a greenie there shull, to get you off of 666.............although it kind of suits you.
  5. Craig Paterson in the Daily Reichord This pish is never going to stop unless they cease to exist or "get back to their rightful place". I hope it's the former.
  6. Thanks. I see it happened about a month ago. I've been too busy renovating a house to pursue my usual obsession. Please forgive my laxity.
  7. OK; I must have done a Rip Van Winkle. Where did they get the 24 million from?
  8. The SFA have realised that The Rangers are stuck in the Championship for another year (at least) anyway, so are getting all the shit out of the way now so that their darlings can have a better chance next season....................if they are still here, that is, but we know there will always be some sort of Orcish continuation/zombie/newco ad infinitum. Then, Now, Forever and Ever and Ever and Ever and Ever............. They will also always be cvnts though
  9. So if the players were good boys all year, they got no Christmas party? Seems unfair. Only the bad guys have fun.
  10. You're right. It is still funny and maybe to get even funnier. My wife watches fictional soap operas on the telly, yet can't understand my continued obsession with the real-life 'Edmiston Drive' storyline. Keep it up Sevco. Ally must stay! Spivs Out / Spivs In Etc, etc, etc.
  11. Christmas cancelled at Ibrox. :lol: Ho! Ho! Ho! Just having a pre-christmas laugh at The Rangers. Also a laugh at the Daily Record for poor spelling etc. Who wears the biggest suit at the SportsDirect Arena? Answers on a postcard please to Fat b*****d, Managers Office, Ibrox. And 'knees up' ? Did Chas and Dave make an appearance?
  12. Still an angry Orc and it's not going to get any better in the foreseeable future. Keep it up.
  13. Be glad you don't play football in the West Country. From the Bridport and Lyme Regis News headline board outside the newsagents KEEPER CHASED BY GUN TOTING POACHERS Jimmy Greaves, Denis Law? (I'm old)
  14. This from another website Looks like the walking away may be turning into a wee jog.
  15. The Orcs are restless tonight. Wouldn't have anything to do with their green cousins getting gubbed but still qualifying, would it?
  16. Early morning raids. I thought that was only for drug dealers, armed robbers and the like. Surely they could just have been asked to report to the local polis station. I mean, it's not as if they would go on the run or anything...........
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