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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. IMO unlikely but they will probably end up a top six club, given time. That is if they don't go down the overspending route...................Oh never mind.
  2. Whatever happens, I'm looking forward to it! The script writers have been doing nothing of late. Bring it on. I see the resident berrz have returned to post-IPO mode. Over confidence, bravado, arrogance even. Time will tell, but they will just twist, turn and squirm and delete old posts as per usual. I expect to see more of these Unless something unexpected happens, of course........................
  3. Oh, I don't know. Tending to his flock of apostrophes helps keep his mind off other things.
  4. Did someone steal Kinky's thesaurus? He seems awfy upset recently.
  5. Go for it! It's very rude. How would one explain bestiality to one's child if, at a match, he/she asked 'What's a sheep shagger?' (I nearly put 'one's kid ' but that would just start a goat discussion)
  6. You're correct. I apologise for joining in the fuckwittery. There is a lull, whilst we await the EGM, which must be filled with vacuous nonsense.
  7. I definitely remember when Alfie Conn went to Celtic, their fans sang "He used to be a Hûn but he's alright now". He didn't change religion, he changed clubs.
  8. And Joimins..........and any other fans leaving a football match early 'cos their team's gettin' humped...........oh...... back to The Rangers, then...............
  9. I'm not heavily into politics but during the recent Labour years, he struck me as being a bit of a Fascist.
  10. The EGM debacle barely makes me smile. I'm sure there will be a real knee-slapper along soon.
  11. Roses are red, The Rangers are shite, . . .........................that's all.
  12. Four versions,shurely?Rangers 1872, Current Public company, Private company, and ""GHOSTCLUB"" ETA cannae keep up with the numbers!
  13. Me too! Just because a phrase was hijacked in the past to assume a particular meaning, one cannot infer that the original meaning of this collection of words is now defunct. I do infer, however, that Kincardine is NOT, repeat NOT enjoying the 'journey'.
  14. The comedy capers continue. If you had sketched out this scenario 5 years ago, certain people would have laughed derisively. Oh, wait a minute, people are laughing derisively. (derisively) At the BLUE FANNIES ©
  15. 256 posts in 11 days. Who's trying too hard? ETA Just seen that he's banned. Good. No doubt he'll be back.
  16. Over in orcland they are still fanatasysing about a moneybags saviour. "top brass" :lol: "refrain from getting promoted" :lol:
  17. IMO many 'investors' would have seen TRIFC as a decent punt when the SP hit the teens. This is a share which was recently in the 70 pence area and comes with the certainty that the toxic brand will not be allowed to fail. When it comes to making money, club allegiance takes a back seat. It's certainly a bit more ethical than investing in arms dealing. And if you are a shareholder you have a vote, of course, to cast as you see fit. So there may quite a few non-The Rangers fans holding shares (although not enough to make any difference).
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