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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Not being pedantic but he will (maybe) work for the Company (plc), not the Club (ltd). They started it, just a reminder.
  2. Party party? Where? Will this organisation EVER stop giving us laughs? Can't see it.
  3. I see potential for a sweepstake there................... Or at least a thread. I'll leave it to you.
  4. If he widens his search, I hear Nigeria is a good place to find all sorts of very helpful financial types. eta Point taken, strichener, but I won't let it get in the way of a wee point'n'laff.
  5. The fact that Ashley has not taken the cream puff ( tho' he has obviously eaten a few) and recalled the Newky 5 or done anything else as retribution for recent events, makes me wonder if he has voluminous sleeves, up which something is waiting. Something unexpected.
  6. Here's a link to a long interview between Alex Thomson and Stewart Regan (a good Rainjurs man in disguise) in which Regan categorically states that there has been no wrongdoing. That D'Artagnan guy on orcmeeja has just been wasting his time, then. ETA here's the link. Tricksy little blighters. http://www.tsfm.scot/did-stewart-regan-ken-then-wit-we-ken-noo/comment-page-4/
  7. From the Record (sorry) As far as I can see, they have joined the company, not the club. Can no-one get it right?
  8. The D'artagnan guy can't use the word 'infer' properly. Boring twat as well.
  9. Can you not read, Orc? He said 'or any other team'. So he doesn't watch the team his manky mob are playing against? He doesn't look to see how the scores went on match day? You are all fuckwits. I see you have gone all gung-ho now that the Kaiser is among his fourstars. Let's see how that plays out. Fud.
  10. Yet another Orc who reveals that he has no interest in football in general. Only interested in supremacy and singing some old ditties along with like-minded morons. Utter fud. WAPT
  11. I am in favour of a larger Premiership but I presume the majority of non -Celtic and The Rangers fans would be against it if it meant letting the fourstars in without having to qualify as per the current rules. IF this were to be proposed then I imagine it would be back to season ticket boycotts as in the original scenario three years ago. Maybe someone is kite-flying.
  12. Two inputs from Orcland. First one from a numpty Second one from someone who might have more then half a brain I hope the first type outnumber the second. (they do )
  13. I managed to miss the whole Mr Custard thing. Always wondered what the references were. Another hilarious nail in the fourstars coffin.
  14. I'm happy to watch this shitey mess get even shitey-er over the coming weeks.
  15. Seems we have to wait until Monday now. FFS, I've got stuff to do. #hurryup'n'fuckindieagainyafourstars !
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