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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. I don't suppose we will hear how many hoors were found in their rooms.
  2. Presumably you are using the American version of 'pissed', otherwise it sounds like you'll be celebrating. Or is the correct usage for that, 'pished'?
  3. That was my intended meaning. I was joking, of course, there is no Asda store within several hundred miles of where I am at the moment. However, one can get Asda deliveries here for a fiver, apparently. Would be funny to find a Celtic birthday card in the groceries. "Benny was here", written inside. eta Just checked out of curiosity. They don't deliver groceries. Or beer
  4. I was in ASDA today and in the fruit and veg area I found a Celtic birthday cake hiding under the tomatoes. Now, I had no intention of buying cake and had deliberately avoided the cake department but when I saw it , I couldn't resist. Hey-ho, another half-inch on the waist.
  5. For many, many years ,I've thought the SFA comprised a bunch of gravy train sucking basturts living high on the hog on the proceeds from the Scottish football fans. No fecking better than the aristocracy. K U N T S , every wan. f**k'em. Bring on the revolution. Hey-ey you know-oh-oh.
  6. What they deserve, and are getting plenty, is ridicule. No surrender ffs,
  7. Grandad, Monkey, ffs leave it. It's as if Dhenbhoy never went away. You still out there, Dhen?
  8. For the sake of your sanity, I hope you did not start at page one, although a lot of it has been, err, deleted.
  9. Yes. It is not a loophole. A loophole enables the circumventing of a regulation. An ISA does what it says on the tin.
  10. Surely most cheats don't get found out until after the event. (Unless they're not very good at it. ) Cheating over an extended period of time, say ten years, should be punished MORE harshly, not less. No retrospective punishment, eh. Wot about Lance Armstrong?
  11. I don't think it's irrelevant. The authorities will investigate schemes dreamt up by others. They will not investigate whatever they set up themselves.
  12. This is the point. They don't ask. They just go ahead using their interpretation of the rules.( Footballers break what seem s*****htforward rules but still argue with the referee.) Maybe the rules should be clearer and simpler but those in power benefit too much from them to go changing said rules. eta WTF! "straight" has been censored I must have typed s t t a i g
  13. ISAs are not a tax avoidance loophole. They were introduced by the government, not dreamt up by some highly paid financial bods. HMRC would be fully aware of them unlike the avoidance schemes or evasion tactics employed by some individuals and companies. eta Yes, all evasion is deliberate. I was merely emphasising the point.
  14. Yes, that seems weird. Are they not "tax avoidance schemes" until a judge says " Naw, that's tax evasion. Pay up." ? Also, if it is deliberate evasion from the outset ,there are criminal proceedings.
  15. This would imply that they and their money (ha!) go somewhere else, preferably far, far away. I think we could live with that.
  16. Just missing midsummer's day. Pity. I like a memorable date. Like Valentine's day frinstnce. Anyhoo, we can start counting sleeps after the EGM date is announced.
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