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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Except maybe an exploding parcel. (metaphorically speaking, for the benefit of four star types)
  2. I think Doink needs to up his game. ETA ...........and The_Arsehole ? WTF is he wittering on about? He really has lost it.
  3. Seems some fuckwit in Orcville wants The Ragers to be a stand-alone entity. The above quote hasnt been taken out of context, nothing has changed, thats Kings point word for word from todays statement Sorry Dave but are you having a fucking laugh, for over a decade now Scottish football has tried to boot the utter shite out of us, the ordinary fan tried as much as they could to hold the front line but unfortunately our successive regimes have done nothing to back us up We have sat back and watched as scottish football, led by a rabid tarrier team of snakes and villains, have kicked, punched, raped, pillaged and plundered our club for anything they could get their hands on They took our money, they took our freedoms, they took our stature in the game away from us all because they didnt like us, we did nothing wrong, we were simply better than the rest and that didnt go down well, so the rest banded together to bend us over and shaft us dry, and they succeeded Do you, Dave King, think for one second that the SPL spits, gave two fucks about scottish football when they banished us to the arse end of scottish football do you think c***s like Lawwell, Thompson, Romanov ironic, Petrie, MIlne and the rest of the chairman in scottish football even remotely considered Rangers Football Club when they all took turns to kick into us when HMRC left us battered and bloody in the gutter I know you wish to make a good start to your Rangers career this time around, but for the love of god treat scottish football as they have treated us, if not we will be continually walked all over as long as it suits other f**k Regan f**k Doncaster f**k Lawwell f**k Thompson f**k the rest, we are Rangers, we dont talk to anyone anymore Good. Just f**k off then.
  4. .........not a simple word, but no edit. Well done Doink Calming down before tomorrow's lolathon?
  5. Under pressure from other half to get showered 'cos we're going to the pub! Link now on. eta here it is again https://www.purnells.co.uk/limited-company/creditors-voluntary-liquidations/phoenix-companies/three-exceptions-to-section-216.html And IF they don't get a NOMAD in 30 days, the company would be delisted from AIM
  6. As regards King becoming director. This link spells out the case. Rule number 1 seems to be relevant. Does anyone know if ALL of the creditors of the Old Club (and company) were sent notification of the re-use of the name 'Rangers' ? eta Ooops! link https://www.purnells.co.uk/limited-company/creditors-voluntary-liquidations/phoenix-companies/three-exceptions-to-section-216.html
  7. The_Diddy still unable to accept his role as a diddy, following a diddy team. Do wan diddy, diddy. Dumb.
  8. The_Diddy has also missed a plethora of apostrophe crimes. He's wandered. Puir sowel.
  9. I wonder if Big Mike might recall the loan players, so as not to be seen to be unduly influencing Scottish football?
  10. History is important. You have to know where you've been in order to know where you are going. Not paying attention to the past is going to land The Rangers in the mire. Keep it up!
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