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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. OK, :lol: :lol: . Howzat? The reasons I don't do more laughing at Celtic are:- A) not that much to laugh at and B) the Orcs warped view of the world would make them think I am on 'their' side.
  2. So now I don't know whether I want King in or out. Not that what I want will make a blind bit of difference. I'll just sit back with the popcorn.
  3. I've posed this question on here more than once. Silver has dropped in price but is still currently about 350 pounds per kilogram. Multiply by world record number of cups in the Ibrox trophy cupboard and you get.............................well, a lot! Who is the legal owner of said silver? I think we should be told!
  4. UK citizens can be non-dom but there are certain criteria to be met. I doubt if King would qualify.
  5. These threads are here for our amusement, not that of the Orc horde. However, you may feel free to contribute as it makes it funnier for us.
  6. FFS with the level of pish on here, we don't need any Orc orientated derailment. Get a grip. Concentrate on the job in hand. (fnar fnar etc)
  7. Funnier than you, gobshite. eta We have a de-railer here and I haven't seen The_Diddy for a while..................... This one can't resist pointing out grammatical errors....... Just saying, like.
  8. Plenty of moustaches back in the days when they played in pyjamas.
  9. Just one thing. Not trying to nit-pick, but I always thought the "Clumpany" was the whole shebang, not just RFC Ltd.
  10. Please do not apologise to that piece of shite. Your post accurately (ish) portrayed the ad. You should not be called racist. Having said that, Italians are not a different race from Brits. Ok, I don't know what race you are but neither does cûnty benny boy.
  11. You can almost taste the bitter orange from this orc. At least he is wary of King&Co We've not been that club since we signed Johnston. The day Murray signed him was the day he knew he could do whatever he liked and the support would accept it. Every passing year has seen the Rangers of old eroded bit by bit to the stage we are at now with a divided support, a team of incompetent cowards, no money and a stadium in need of work. Not to mention the latest board that don't deserve our trust or respect.
  12. It might be this. RIFC is now showing on the ISDX but still suspended I don't know if they are there on probation awaiting DD . ISDX used to bethe PLUS exchange but suffered financial problems and was eventually sold for a 'nominal sum' i.e. a quid. Does that remind you of anything?
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