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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Does anyone outside the hallowed halls (or even inside) actually know what "stay as they are" entails? Presumably all details will be released so that an informed vote can be made at the forthcoming EGM. I will also be increasing my holdings in Jelly and Ice Cream Inc.
  2. Looks to me as if he is simply doing everything by the rules. Just a minority shareholder (with benefits) trying to get to the bottom of what has happened to his investment. I would imagine some considerable time has been spent by his legal team examining all possible eventualities and that we should see some action soon. The orcs love an EGM so they will be looking forward to this. It is, after all, a chance for them to get the monkey off their back and stride into the future with their heads held high. I also doubt that Ashley wants to be associated with two championship clubs. I'm investing in popcorn futures.
  3. I doubt if Monkey Tennis is ever coerced into saying anything against his will by other posters.
  4. Oh, HB! They were not 'kicked down" , they were "allowed in". I know it's hard to stick to the truth when all (or lots) around you are shouting lies.
  5. So they want to bring down the SPFL and the SFA. We already know they hate a number of other clubs in Scotland. The fcukers should be got rid of. Nothing but trouble. Just like spoiled weans who aren't getting what they want, what they think they deserve. Maybe the SPFL should just bite the bullet and tell them to play their home game (sic) behind closed doors. The SPFL will only lose the revenue from one match, after all.
  6. Could, apparently, possibility, doubt, I think, believe, almost certain. Mibbes aye, mibbes naw. Naw. THE Rangers.
  7. 3 years in the Championship.......................... Before liquidation.
  8. It's World Laughter Day an' aw! Glorious. :lol: You could always piss off to the swamp but please don't, your contributions here are hilarious.
  9. Orcmeeja having problems . Keeps 'Jigging' up and down. You would think that today's game had actually meant something. Would have been priceless if it had. Not a happy band of berzz.
  10. I must pay more attention. I .didn't know PM was up for being assessed as F&P. Thought it was only the GSAL. (It's not all about the rangers, you know.)
  11. This is all very interesting. No, really, but it should have its own thread, IMO.
  12. Dinna be daft! They are there for the taking. Poorer teams than QoS have taken points off them.
  13. And he has changed his avatar to reflect Celtic's 'failure'. What is it they're always saying? Oh yes, 'It's all about The Rangers' Obviously not.
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