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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. L.S.E. to merge with Frankfurt despite Brexit. Is this an example of the 'UK regaining control'?
  2. A gas giant? Farage wants us to leave the universe. Too much entropy.
  3. The UK is a net importer by a factor of almost 2.
  4. Don't put E's in your whisky. Recently discovered Old Perth blended malt. Yes, I know, not for the purist but I like it.
  5. People killed by gunman in America. Not really 'news' is it?
  6. I don't like seeing the BRALT in this section and suspect it's a move to diminish the amount of posts in the hope that it will wither and die. The BRALT will never die. No surrender! (and if it does get dumped, we can just start another one and claim it's the same thread)
  7. I can't remember any detail but I did read that there was/is a 'nearby' star which 'they' reckon could go supernova any day (or millenium) now and when it does, we are toast. Yes, even though it's miles away. Can't be arsed researching it, we're all going to die anyway, eventually.
  8. Good to see the stars taking an interest in Scottish football history.
  9. You now how , when females are pictured at football matches, they are usually anonymous babes, or players' wives or assorted mums and grannies being happy? Well.......wtf? If this is equality , I don't like it. What a spooky looking witch. hunt. eta amidst all the euphoria and hullabaloo, I may have forgotten to say " Well done" So, Well done , Hibees. I went to Easter Road to cheer you on against Leeds a near lifetime ago. This was better!
  10. Been trying, and failed, to get joke out of " The Moan Ranger and Taunto " Anybody?
  11. It's the oldest trophy, as was stated. (No doubt deliberately to get a bite.) The Jags won it in '21, league cup in '71 so I reckon it's our turn again in 5 years time. Sounds about right.
  12. Oh dear. I haven't been to Ranjurzmeja for years but nothing has changed.
  13. Watched the game in a French cafe with a Boro fan. Naeb'dy else. Commentators were quite excited and there were tweets from French saying it was a great match. I liked the way Hibs gave them a glimmer of hope , then snuffed it out like a candle. Well done Hibs, well deserved on the day.
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