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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. In an independent Scotland, the voters will probably split right and left, meaning the Nats will eventually become irrelevant. You would likely get your 'left of centre' government then.
  2. I got a warning point for typing four asterisks. Mod was a Jam Tart. Enough said.
  3. Is an MP's salary not enough? How many jobs does he have?
  4. The Scottish Sun. River Kelvin near zero degrees Celsius in August. (Hypothermia can set in at a much higher temperature than that, so be careful all you copy cats)
  5. I've been absent from here for a while. Whatever happened to Tedi/The Tedi?
  6. Concise and accurate. As an aside, I spent several enjoyable minutes yesterday, reading the Luxembourg fiasco thread on RM. "Pedro must go!" Instant success is obligatory. Total fuds.
  7. Unionist viewpoint, it seems. British Union - Good European Union - Bad. I apologise for being unable to add anything sensible to this discussion. It will just go round and round until the next referendum. I do believe that every stop and string will be pulled, every lever pushed, to ensure that it will all be too little, too late. I imagine that may result in civil unrest.
  8. Everything to do with the man is tainted. He is backtracking on things he promised when campaigning. The biggest instance of saying whatever people want to hear, to get yourself elected, in the history of the world (mibbes). He even lies about the lies. Fkn really incredible. The link is to an article 5 months old. He has racked up a wheen of big fat fibs since then. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/07/how-does-donald-trump-lie-fact-checker
  9. I'm obviously lacking the knowledge of what makes an aitch soft. I would say Horrendous, not 'orrendous, for example. I would also say Hotel not 'otel. OED and Cambridge appear to agree with me on pronouncing these words (i.e. using an aspirate aitch) which I find surprising as I imagined it would be the Oxbridge types who would have difficulty manipulating their vocal chords to handle the change and therefore sticking in an enn. Apologies to sports fans for digressing into non-sporting realms. I'll stop now.
  10. I blame Thatcher. She freed them from the bowels of the Earth to walk among us. Oh, and "an horrendous"? An horse? An hog? An h**? Never understood the 'an' in front of some aitches but not others. It's not as if they are all silent.
  11. If one team beats all the others but with low, narrow scorelines, i.e.no bonus points, could the 'second best' team win the championship by scoring lots of tries in winning all their other games?
  12. Agreed. I reckon the Irish owe us a debt of gratitude. We tired England out last week, making them run up and down the park to score all those points. Well done the Oirish.
  13. I currently reside in a brexit stronghold. It's unpleasant. I have been unable to get ANYONE here to give me a reasoned argument as to why leaving the EU would be a good thing, just the usual shite about control, straight bananas and foreigners taking all the jobs. Strangely enough, they also don't understand why Scotland should want to leave the UK. You would have thought they could see the parallel. eta any references to parallel bananas will be studiously ignored
  14. At least bugger all would have been the status quo, we got worse than bugger all.............. I think it's shit or bust time. If we lose we will be under the Westminster parliament's thumb. We've already had 300 years of that so fck it, bring it on. (apologies for using political language)
  15. FWIW I intend to become resident in Scotland in time to vote 'yes' if indyref2 is given the go-ahead by the UK so-called government.
  16. A bit like electing an MEP who is opposed to the idea of the EU.
  17. Is there a "Died from natural causes" option in the betting?
  18. "BURDONED" .............I thought Eric was a white guy. Coat, etc
  19. I've just read the transcript of Trumps 'press conference' of yesterday. A load of rambling incomprehensible nonsense which would get him ripped to shreds even on this forum. I'm going to use a cliche here. It would be funny if it weren't so serious. Funny if it weren't so serious, folks. Serious. Very, very, very serious.
  20. Lest we forget. Don't want your type with your 'sweep, sweep, nothing to see here' shite to control the narrative. Tick Tock. Uncle Dave's ill gotten millions are dwindling away.
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