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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Allegedly, (you can't believe anything these days. Fake news folks, fake news) Trump has banned certain US institutions, such as the Department for Agriculture, the National Parks Service, the Environmental Protection Agency (and possibly others), from communicating directly with the general public. Y'know, using Twitter, for example...... To do so, constitutes an act of radical subversion. Sheer hypocrisy. source The Observer, today.
  2. Someone reported me for using asterisks, resulting in a warning point. Very Trump-like attitude.
  3. Apologies if already mentioned, I don't have time to read the whole thread but I see there are scare tactics being readied for the next attempt at independence. The decommissioning of North sea oil infrastructure will be too expensive for Scotland . Also, IF an open border can be maintained in Ireland after brexit (which I doubt), then why not between Scotland and England after independence? And the UK gov may not "give permission" for a referendum.
  4. 63% of eligible voters did not vote to leave the EU. I demand a replay with compulsory voting!
  5. Poppies = Heroin. Maybe they should think about getting a new symbol.
  6. I'm slightly worried that by the year's end, I will have no music heroes left. Cohen's music is often regarded as depressive. I won't argue with that, much, considering one of my favourite songs is "Closing Time" from "The Future". He always had brilliant female backing singers. I liked his music, he will be missed.
  7. A decision reached by British judges in a British court using British law. I'd have thought the Brexiteers would be pleased. I hope Gina Miller is taking adequate security precautions.
  8. I saw him being interviewed on tv. Spooky, creepy guy. Good chance of winning......
  9. Brexit was/is/will be a very bad thing. The UK is fcked.
  10. Someone I know came into some money and now never goes below a tenner. At M&S ffs. No fkn loyalty to the old guard that got him pished without any complaint in the past. Seriously, just spending more doesn't guarantee good wine imo. (Definitely not in a restaurant)
  11. So if they don't get what they voted for, the whole thing should be declared null and void and the status quo should prevail. That seems a very equitable solution to me.
  12. Head shot, more like. After recent events, I am genuinely worried.
  13. Being a cop in certain areas of the US is a job taken on by people who are unable, for whatever reason, to get a "real" job. They are not driven by sense of civic pride or some moral code, they just want a pay cheque. They are just the front line in the defence of the rich and powerful. I wouldn't like to go to work every day knowing I could very easily be killed. Would make me bit edgy. If this reads like defence of their killing folk, it's not meant to.
  14. 5 dead now. It's wrong but I am not surprised.
  15. Pound down a wee bit more against the euro. Happy holidays. They'll probably charge Brits higher prices too.
  16. We were not being forced to abandon these things. I'm going to leave it there. The deed is done. I wish us all luck, we'll need it. edit for missing 'it'.
  17. Correct. I'm surprised to see you agreeing with GD'S point.
  18. I don't wish to avoid them. I sometimes drink French, Japanese and even Welsh whisky. I simply consider a whisky made by a Scottish company to be more Scottish than one made by a non-Scottish company.
  19. True but he did it by being a duplicitous, devious , lowest-common-denominator seeking , dog-whistling, self-serving cretin. And the masses lapped it up.
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