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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. And another thing. If I "saved" several hundred quid by NOT spending it on football tickets, buses, ferries, trains and booze, I would only spend it in other ways. Booze ,family trips on buses, trains and ferries, in restaurants, etc. It's not LOST to the economy, just redistributed. Then again, I am not a fan of one or other bigot brother. They'd probably give it to the bookie.
  2. No Sullender! Racist b*****ds! (wish it had been posted at two thirty)
  3. Vile? Bile, surely. Orcs are Ibrox dwellers. 'accept' is a verb. The Rangers and their fans deserve nothing but laughter.
  4. Hee hee! But you realise that P&Bers know absolutely feck all, don't you? Edit cos of pc malfunction
  5. Now we have the entire close-season for pointing and laughing and on the 12th of June the EGM is next on the bill. It's my P&B birthday, don't you know, as well as the date of Rangers death. Cake and fizzy pop all day.
  6. Look out! He's 4 posts behind you. (That'll change after he makes some more deletions. )
  7. I do hope you never listen to the radio commentary while you are working........................
  8. Derek Johnstone..........fat, ugly, stupid, orc cnut. I feel better for typing that. The_Arsehole will probably be along to say there is too much tautology in my statement.
  9. I was just looking at the posts on Orcmeeja concerning the EGM. In general they have no clue as to Company/Club differences. Not surprised really.
  10. I did wonder why the US were getting involved. Obviously it's not for any altruistic 'sporting intgrity' reasons. It's a money thing but since we all know it's all about money anyway, go get them. Better 'fair' money than 'crooked'. (not that I really believe there is 'fairness' where cash is concerned) eta Maybe the Yanks see a chance to take over the whole shebang.
  11. According to the report I saw, these competitions don't come into it. Things could change.............
  12. I was suggesting that some small fry will take the rap but the big boys will wriggle out of it, as often happens. We will see what transpires. I hope it goes all the way to the top. If Blatter claims to know nothing about it then he hasn't been doing his job properly, IMO. Go Team America!
  13. I think the phrase " Swiss bank account " has been bandied about more than "FIFA" but we will see.
  14. This. Some minor African/Asian officials will be put in the frame. Sweep, sweep.
  15. It'll be that Pope guy next.................
  16. It will be interesting to see if the vote goes ahead and whether the six were pro- or anti-Blatter. Anti-Blatter sounds like some science fiction explosive material.
  17. Perhaps someone could set up an alternative body and see how many jump ship. Nae chance, just dreaming me.
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