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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Miners are ordinary people, too, Granny But point taken.
  2. Correct. Let's kill them now! Why wait for the Grim Reaper?
  3. Auld cow, guid riddance Sold off the electricity, gas, telephones, all the things that made a profit which went into the country's coffers. Shut down the coalmines and let the Welsh out to annoy everyone. Took a hard stance with Scottish teachers which resulted in the curtailment of schools football when they withdrew their goodwill. Several years later, Scottish football starts a steep decline. Plus, of course, the other industrial mayhem already mentioned. This was meant to be a no alcohol day for me but tonight it's Champagne and malt whisky. Cheers!
  4. I'd like to know why it takes so long for all these things to come to light. If there are legal proceedings, we will be well into next season before anything is settled. Still, passes the time during those long, hot, summer days.
  5. I remember in the late 60s or thereabouts, a meaningless game between the old Rangers and Morton attracted a crowd of six thousand and a few hundred to Ibrox. It happens to any team going through a long lean spell.
  6. I had a bit of the Wembley turf but it died. Sigh. May the best team win on Sunday. ( Hope QoS lose.)
  7. This may have been asked and answered so apologies in advance. Who legally owns said (replica) trophies? Green fronts a consortium, so presumably they are not his personal property. Does the "club" own them or the "company" or someone/something else? Could they be melted down and sold as scrap? Silver commands a high price at the moment., 14 to 15 pounds per ounce. There might be enough to pay a few bills.
  8. When signing up for the Vanguardbears website this question was required to be answered. " Are you prepared to take up arms alongside Vanguardbears, to smash the threat of Irish Republican terror gangs and their hate-filled and sectarian Bheast cohorts who have polluted these shores, and to destroy Scottish Nationalist activists and their pro-independence parasites in defence of the United Kingdom?" What absolute morons. Nothing has changed with these "people". No, actually they are probably worse than they used to be.
  9. You're taking this too seriously. It's only a game. Get well soon. Who was the first person to ask for your ST? Some genuine advice for everyone else. Going to a game when it's really cold can be dangerous if you have a heart problem, especially if you don't know you have one. When you are exposed to low temperature the body pulls your blood away from the extremities to keep your vital organs working. This causes the blood to thicken and your heart has to work harder. People who are poorly prepared for the cold are known to have coronaries at railway stations, bus stops etc. when just standing around, usually early morning. Wrap up! OK sermon over.
  10. Result as anticipated. Bears all happy that they supported a cheating club (RIP) and that the authorities have helped their 'looky likey' club keep the tainted titles and cups. TRIFC still in the lowest tier of Scottish football. Who would have believed that, a little over a year ago? This pantomime has given us lots of laughs (oh yes it has) and we still have more to come when Charlie fucks off and when Sally get his jotters. Then we'll have the sight of the new club toiling away to escape the lower leagues. How will that go?
  11. I have no option but to accept it. I will not be forming part of a disorderly mob outside Hampden, baying for justice. My feeling is that titles will not be stripped nor will any fine imposed on rangers international. ETA but ETA eta just saw Tedi's post.
  12. They can't and they don't give a flying f**k. As long as the record books, SFA, UEFA, ECA and the Masonic Fucking Handbook all declare them to be a continuation, then they are happy orcs. The only thing that will upset them is when the titles are stripped. Then there will be much wailing, gnashing of teeth, head slapping and breast beating . We know differently of course and are obliged to remind them that their club died.
  13. Was the identity ever revealed of the Scottish "journalist" who allegedly 'physically threatened' Alex Thomson?
  14. Paranoid pish and veiled threats. Same old same old, like a broken record. Yawn.
  15. Sorry, must have missed it but if you send me your bank details we can sort something out. email me at - imascammingcunt@abuja.ni
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