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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. If he is worth 3.8 BILLION he could buy the The Rangers outright and not even notice. It would be like you or me buying a cheap phone ffs. What stopped him before?
  2. Celtic nearly went bust too but thanks to Fergus McCann they narrowly avoided the abyss. It was a salutary warning to everyone but some ignored the message.
  3. It's back! Mr Yahoo is applying for 2,000 pounds worth. Rangers Share Offer 1Terms and conditions 2Your details 3Your level of investment interest 4Summary 5Confirmation
  4. Exactly. This is not a 'normal' share issue. It's just playing on the allegiances of the Ibrox faithful to fleece them. Do the rules governing share issues allow for this cavalier attitude? Even on AIM? Let's see if it ends up as simply Nobody is buying Shares.
  5. Surely it's not finished? Probably had site problems with all those obsessed yahoos and will re-open asap. Cut us some slack No8, the obsession can only last as long as the show goes on.....Soon be over then we can rest .
  6. Blimey! That was quick. Got the full number of investors then? Rangers Share Offer Registration currently unavailable Sorry, the registration process for you to provide your interest in applying for shares in Rangers Football Club has now ended.
  7. There are some interesting names at Companies House. Probably just chancers. Name & Registered Office: RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB OF GLASGOW LTD 63 KENMORE TERRACE KIRKCALDY SCOTLAND KY2 6EN Company No. SC417353 Status: Active Date of Incorporation: 20/02/2012 Name & Registered Office: RANGERS (2012) LTD 40 HUNTER STREET SHOTS SCOTLAND ML7 4BS Company No. SC418962 Status: Active Date of Incorporation: 08/03/2012 Name & Registered Office: CHARLES GREEN (SCOTLAND) LTD. 24 NEUK AVENUE HOUSTON JOHNSTONE UNITED KINGDOM PA6 7DP Company No. SC420854 Status: Active Date of Incorporation: 30/03/2012
  8. Tedi Berr and Toni Bennet have both registered their interest in buying 5,000 pounds worth of shares.
  9. Not because of the team they support. Maybe the word 'poor' was badly chosen, too pejorative. I presume there is a broad spectrum of fandom. The majority of them, however, would find 500 pounds to be a very large outlay to justify even without the 'iffiness' of the deal. IMO, of course.
  10. This. And most fans would only be interested in buying a nominal number of shares, just to say they were part of the club. I simply cannot see vast numbers of Orcs shelling out 500 quid each for a bit of paper with a dubious future. They are either too poor or too smart (yes) to do that. The IPO will fail. Which for Newco fans may not necessarily be a bad thing but for Charlie, it would.
  11. I note that it's "THE CLUB" which is being floated, NOT the holding company. Just the same as the last time. Shares were issued for THE CLUB and THE CLUB went into liquidation. The share issue will fail. It's a bad idea as far as the fans are concerned.
  12. Someone has posted this scam warning on an Orc site. Replies will be interesting.
  13. The proposed regeneration of the Ibrox area is obviously laudable but unfortunately for Newco fans and the denizens of said area, it's extremely unlikely. I asked my wife, who used to work in the property development field, her opinion on this proposal which includes purchasing and redeveloping brownfield sites and re-opening a railway line, building hotels, etc. She reckons with EVERYONE on board, ENOUGH MONEY and EVERYTHING going according to plan, it would take 5-7 years. Now, there is no way a plan like this would run smoothly, so my estimate would be nearer 7-10 years, maybe more.(more likely never) This would be of absolutely no help to Newco at the moment. This is just window dressing to get the gullible to buy shares as has been said on here many times. OK, where do I register my intention to buy shares? eta Well, this link doesn't work www.rangersshareoffer.com
  14. Just a wee joke, things are great. Thanks. I think it's better being the 12th. It's a number which has cropped up before. 12th June, 12th April . No 12 shirt. 12 is their new unlucky number. Perhaps 12/12/12 will see the next administration. Maybe the end of the world.......for Orcs.
  15. It was my birthday last week, wedding anniversary today and Friday is BDO day. October could be a memorable month for me. Please note I did not say a happy month. Should be OK, she doesn't read this.
  16. I would be really pleased if Scotland's 'record' over the last two decades was wiped out. (Except when we beat France, home and away. I had a great time.)
  17. What kind of girl are you looking for?
  18. I've read the proposals in the Guard's van Bears piece and find my credulity stretched. Even allowing for it all to be feasible, CG is talking about a 5 to 10 year plan. Their fans won't stand for that. They want to be top dogs as soon as possible. Preferably less than 3 years,( with some jiggery-pokery in the leagues). Anyhow, it isn't feasible so we'll just have to wait and see what does transpire. I don't think it looks good for them. I'm really glad I'm not a 'bear'.
  19. I don't suppose they have finished the subway extension to Poitiers yet? I worked in the Doublet sometime during the last century and can remember many subway crawlers heading off and coming back pished. Quel surprise. It may be advisable to miss out one or two stops and double up on the next ones.
  20. They didn't even think it through. Announcing it BEFORE the draw gave the authorities the chance to ensure a home tie. No wait, they were always on to a home tie anyway. Still, after ICT beat them it will be irrelevant until the next time. The fixtures are still not up on the official SFL site. Pathetic.
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