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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Agreed. I certainly am of the belief that the home club used to change in days gone by. I presume the rule was originally made in football's formative years when an away team could turn up, not in the colours expected (for whatever reason) and it would have been easier for the home team to change. Also, being a gentleman's game, it was polite, as has been stated. Who has a copy of the rules under the bed from, say, 1960? That's the point. It didn't used to be called the away strip. Just the change strip. IIRC.
  2. Tell me if I've got this right. I've used simple, round figures for ease. If Sevco sell 30,000 STs, but only 20,000 holders attend a match along with 10,000 pay at the gate patrons, does that mean the crowd is announced as 30,000 but all the turnstile money can go into someone's pocket?
  3. Thanks for your input Mr Connolly. I hadn't realised that my writing style, or lack thereof, could engender comment. It certainly has never been intentional but just to keep you happy, I shall from now on endeavour to make full use of the width of the page. Except when I don't feel like it.
  4. As has already been said, this thread has really slowed down. Mostly due to lack of revelations. Does anyone know what has become of Bumbling Bomber? Has he pished that pensioner's money up the wall yet?
  5. 10 weeks is a long time in football terms. I doubt very much if this deal will be 'unwound'. If it were to be, would that be a good or a bad thing? Depends what the alternatives are. Proper liquidation, à la Clinton Cards, would be fair. Anyway, the longer it drags on, the worse for football in general.
  6. Whilst I agree with you, we have little power in this case. No ST money to withhold, for example. I would like to hear anyone's ideas on how this may be achieved. Oh, I'm searching for a suitable 'political' signature. Seems to upset at least one of them.
  7. I sense a weakening in the "they are a new club" stance. Given the attitudes of the various authorities, that is hardly surprising. I don't think any clarification will take place. Actions will be tailored to suit whichever agenda arises. IMO.
  8. While being in no way knowledgeable in this field, I can 'accept the technicalities of what you say but could that realistically happen after all this time? I presume there are precedents but only for lower profile, less 'people-involved' businesses I would imagine. Chaos on several fronts if it happened. I'd like to see it
  9. Will the bookies pay out if when administration returns? Not a gambler so don't know the rules. eta fixed that for me.
  10. Not to mention that the oldco isn't quite liquidated YET and the newco may well be in admin before the new year bells have stopped echoing. eta I may have missed it but does newco have a full SFA membership yet?
  11. Short version As you can see I have used 5k for everyone except McCulloch. The 10k figure is a reduction of 50% on his reported wage pre administration of 20k. He is quite possibly still on 20k as he TUPE’d across, and this allows him to keep the same contract terms. This gives a squad average wage of 2568 a week. Over a year for the 22 players it would be just over 2.9M. We then need to factor in pension, accommodation and other costs as detailed in the admin reports. There is also a large backroom staff and office staff, accountants etc on the payroll, which we have estimated below. This is probably a low ball estimate, as McCoist and Durrant are also included in this figure, which also needs to include ticket staff, ground staff, office, directors pay amongst others. So, how does this affect the bottom line? Well, we’ll put together the full accounts now, and show you where it leaves Sevco. Match income £ 8,712,500.00 Sponsorship £ 1,500,000.00 TV £ 50,000.00 Programme sales £ 150,000.00 Hospitality £ 1,500,000.00 Others £ 800,000.00 Total income £ 12,712,500.00 Expense Player salary £ 2,938,000.00 Pension/accomadation £ 550,000.00 PAYE/NIC £ 1,469,000.00 office staff/coaches £ 750,000.00 Total wage £ 5,707,000.00 match day costs £ 400,000.00 Security/Police £ 1,000,000.00 Programme costs £ 45,000.00 AV/Media costs £ 250,000.00 Medical costs £ 20,000.00 facilities cost £ 550,000.00 catering costs £ 2,500,000.00 lease/hire agreements £ 850,000.00 utilities £ 640,000.00 waste disposal £ 120,000.00 software/licenses £ 250,000.00 football community £ 100,000.00 misc costs £ 150,000.00 Total expense £ 6,875,000.00 Total costs £ 12,582,000.00 Minus VAT £ 2,351,812.50 Profit/Loss -£ 2,221,312.50 As you can see… we have a big red figure there. Sevco simply can’t afford the players. But I’m not finished. The eagle eyed will have noticed that a few players, notably the Americans are missing. Now, while reports say they will be leaving, they have not left yet. They are under no pressure to leave, as they have valid contracts. So let’s factor them in. So another million loss, unless they can move them on. Lets now look at what they need to do to breakeven. Total income £ 12,712,500.00 Expense Player salary £ 1,683,791.67 Profit/Loss £ - Av wage to breakeven £ 1,471.85 The questions that need to be asked: Did the SFA ask to see these numbers? Did they sign off on them? How did Sevco show they were a sustainable business without audited accounts? Have they posted a financial guarantee they will see out the season? Who is funding all this? Who are the shareholders? Are they fit and proper? In the words of Ally McCoist himself… I demand to know who these people are… As usual, full figures are available here – feel free to suggest improvements to the model.
  12. Deleted due to some figures tables not showing. Maybe someone else can do it properly.
  13. Gave you an accidental greenie for that. That's one you owe me. Just wanted to say 'Maryheil'. Wasn't worth it, really.
  14. Aye, they're just a wee diddy team , with a big stadium they can't fill. Unlike Sevco, they have an illustrious history , and a reputation for honesty and fair play. They have gone further in an English FA competition than any OTHER Scottish club who might hanker to do likewise. I think the Spiders will still be here in 100 years time. Sevco are brand new and won't last.
  15. Yes, actually, but obviously not ardent enough. Don't pay for Sky, so if recent not my fault. If an old episode, mea culpa.. Where's that dug?
  16. "cromulent" is new to me. Thanks. (don't think it's valid in this instance) I have used 'went' instead of 'gone' when speaking. Slovenly I admit. But when writing, I am usually more grammatically precise. And one should never start a sentence with 'but'. Or 'and'. Or 'or'.........
  17. Ha ha. There might not be any real fans on any site. Keyboard Ninjas 'gone' , btw, not 'went' Wot skule did you go to? (guess who has nothing better to do tonight )
  18. I went to school in Maryhill. Knew her ma. eta grandma etaa just for the hell of it I know a lassie, A bonnie, bonnie lassie, She's as thin as the paper on the wall She's goat legs like a spider; Ah love tae f'kn ride her, Mary fae Maryhill.. All together now.............
  19. The Orcs aren' t nearly so entertaining when they are in 'triumphal' or 'confident' mode. Still just as stupid tho'. I'm not going back til they realise that they are still in the shite. I'll give it 3-4 weeks, tops. For now, they can consider themselves 'ignored'.
  20. Better if it was the Mars Olympics. (topical) AND Mike Ashley, model for his own size XXXXL shirts. AND Bill, the Tykes are well known for being tighter than a Fifer's grip on his sporran. No need to impugn the always generous Weegies One more thing, regarding Leggo. I know Newco supporters who have been scathing of the the Scotland team, and its fans, for a long time. I'm going back 20 years. Not successful enough for glory hunters obviously. It would be no great loss to lose them all. Good riddance and all that.
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