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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. With no actual new information coming to light in recent days concerning the Ibrox club's situation, this thread was very slow. However, thanks to the arrival of some new posters it has taken on a new lease of life. Much like the 3rd Division has, in fact. We should be forever grateful to them. Our saviours.
  2. Trouble is, even if Oldo/Newco/Sevco and/or the other cheek were to cease to exist, the morons you speak of would not become model citizens overnight. It would be a race between them finding another outlet for their behaviour and society trying to civilise them. My money would be on a new outlet.
  3. If any large amount of money were to arrive at Ibrox, it would not be used to buy "star" players. Let's face it, your 'van Persies' won't come to the SFL 3rd. This money (were it ever to arrive) would be salted away in a phantom "war chest", only to be spirited away when the opportunity arose. The only way out, bar league reconstruction, is a long, hard slog up through the divisions. Green and his 'backers' don't want that and neither do the fans, despite what they may say. 2nd liquidation soon enough.
  4. Already done by me. Did not a certain other announcer do the same thing last week?
  5. Now that's ironic considering some shredded documents were possibly incriminating. Talk about win-win.
  6. Has Bomber dropped out of the picture completely? Any news? I miss him. Has he returned that pensioner's money yet or is he on track to raise the money ?
  7. But you are the only senior club in the UK with the letter 'J' in your name. You should celebrate that. Seems anything is worth 'bigging up' these days. 'Mon the Jays! (or should it be 'Jies' in Scotland?)
  8. This is a few days old but I didn't see it posted. Tomo on Harper McLeod. Apologies if already done. eta Always a good idea to add the link............... http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/rangers-confluence-interest/2511
  9. By that time it will be sooo big, they will have to store it on DNA. (topical) eta - must leave room for Orc DNA joke.
  10. I note that he is not so mad as to allow comment on his blog. Silly, twisted old bugger.
  11. Are there any odds for a Margaret Thatcher/ Prince Philip double?
  12. I"m fed up hearing this pish . IF the Scottish game cannot survive without one particular club then it doesn't deserve to survive. (but of course it would survive) If we are talking just about the SPL then few on here would mourn its death. The answer to the problem is most definitely NOT restoring Sevco/Newco to the SPL.
  13. Are Bendarroch and Foreverblue the same child/troll? We shall see when the schools go back.
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