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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. I would have thought Saturday was a big working day for fitba' folk. Too busy too bother with minor stuff tho'. Back burner til Monday.
  2. I remember shouting obscenities at a girl troupe at a Scot v Eng game. (I was only about 16 so it's not as bad as it sounds.) However a few years ago in a pub I was talking to a lady who was a friend of a friend and she had been one of them. Ayr Majorettes? And yes. Still doable. eta just remembered the song, "get it up ye while yer young" getting belted out. Hopefully they didn't understand.
  3. Any compen go Brechin's way in that eventuality? If so, paid by whom? I see McGregor has finally signed for Besiktas
  4. I noticed thatarticle was by "Telegraph Sport". What's become of Roddy and Ewing, I wonder?
  5. http://www.legalweek.com/legal-week/blog-post/2194529/the-brand-value-of-a-football-club-would-rangers-benefit-from-a-move-to-england pish article. ...........rangers.........england......blah blah blah. Someone who has no idea of what's already been said.
  6. You may divest yourself of your outer garment and return to your former position,sir. Certain 'guests' still perplexed.
  7. Do you mean paranoid in a good way? Selling the assets is good, selling the company is bad. Right? Good or bad for diddies I mean.
  8. OK, I'll have a go, 20 players at 5k/w ( plus NI contributions don't forget) = more than 5,200,000 pa Upkeep of assets = Im p/m ( don't know where figs come from) = 12,000,000 pa makes outgoings of 17,200,000 plus NI contributions, (mustn't forget those) Income from STs at 300pounds = 13,500,000 (45,000 sold ha ha) Income from telly is, snigger, no' very much. Less than 100K (it seems) Sponsorship 4 million? (haven't a clue) So, incomings 17,500,000: outgoings 17,200,000 (plus NI, don't forget) I see a smallish loss before Sally's wages, backroom staff and other stuff I'm ignorant of. Someone else like to have a go? There will be things I have missed. Pies! Orcs eat a lot of pies. Got to be worth a squillion. Someone with more knowledge could draw up a spreadsheet. Green would probly pinch it!
  9. Can one appeal a red dot? I got three for a post in the 3rd div forum, but I hardly touched them ref! And this Time for a song, Suicide is painless......................... or 10 blue bottles hanging on the wall...........
  10. Let's hope Green's the high wire act. Without a net. Plenty of room for clowns and Orc tamers.
  11. Three ruling bodies is too many, one is not enough. Two would be better to try to avoid what you suggest happening. As long as we have the SFL and the SPL that isn't going to change. As has been suggested many times on here, reconstruction is necessary and that should mean one league .
  12. There, there. Have a wee cup of tea and and a sit down, you'll feel better. I've given you a greenie to play with, take your mind off it.
  13. No, I'll have a go when I'm sedated. AND Even the Orcs don't know their team's name
  14. He doesn't think that Rangers Football Club is interested in vendettas or vengance. He also "has to think very carefully about applying for an injunction" So he won't. He did not mention any of the tax shenanigans either. Maybe that's all blamed on Whyte, not the club. He's deluded. And MISTER Murray, not SIR David He might be raising the Orc's hopes but nothing will come of it.
  15. At last, Ally finds the exit hitherto denied him. I know it's the Sun but " he warned them"! Oh No! WTFDHTHI?
  16. I don't know where you live but I am presuming you support your local team. Your local team used to be Airdrieonians and now it's Airdrie Utd. Can't see anything unusual in that. Keep up the good work. (I did meet some unappealing Airdrie fans at Italia 90, but hey ho.)
  17. Please excuse my cheap shot. No offence intended. Just bored with newco saga dragging on and on and on....... I have seen a bit of the world. Some of it's good and some of it's shit. I have a Ukrainian friend, although she claims to be Russian. Go figure. She is also rather attractive, although I am at an age when they all are.
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