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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Whatever the final outcome, I think every club in the league should put 5 stars on their shirts and make up some cock and bull story to justify it. NO, 6 stars!
  2. He could walk away, therefore technically not accepting it. Otherwise known as "going in a huff"
  3. Yeah, "We don' need your steenking badges" Substituting "Bhajis" for "badges" can cause social unrest in certain restaurants
  4. IF, history can be bought, it seems, from what I've read, that the fans of Newco believe that the "history" can only really be bought by the club trying to assume the former club's mantle. I don't see why that should be the case, as you have pointed out.
  5. Oops! Thought it was underlined for emphasis. eta...............""As always, this is not legal advice, which in practical terms, may be different to the general principles we are discussing here."" Lawyerspeak for 'we can say one thing and it can mean two things.
  6. Agreed but this debate revolves around what will be shown in the annals of football achievement. The record books. Now we all know that there are two ways to score points over the opposing fans. "My team is better than your team' (now) or 'My team has a better history than your team', (and we will be back again soon)'. There will never be agreement amongst the fans on the Sevco thing. Only the authorities can decree. I wish to feck they would hurry up.
  7. FWIW I think of them as the 'new' Airdrieonians. Never given it any thought before but if asked, I would have said their story started when they started. i.e. recently. (can't be arsed checking the date) What do Airdire fans think?
  8. At least one of them is proving unfindable on t'internet. By me anyway, probly just don't have the skills required.
  9. May as well chip in since it's quiet. Surely this bit ..... ""when the club became a limited liability company.""...... means that the club became a limited liability company. i.e. the 'club' stopped being a club and became a limited liability company From that point on, the 'club' and the 'company' are one and the same entity, never to be split assunder..
  10. You just going for cheap laffs (my usual tactic) or have you information you'd like to share? eta I have been unable to find her profile on the Morton Fraser website. Maybe she has moved.
  11. Point readily accepted. More lawyery, nit picking , never anticipated this, kinda stuff.
  12. He is spot on there! I confidently predict that not a SINGLE Rangers supporter will attend a CL match at Ibrox next season. Or the following season.Or the folowing season Or etc etc etc.
  13. I think it's worth pasting on here for the hard of clicking. A thing we just noticed Posted on July 22, 2012 by Rev. Stuart Campbell In the debate over whether the SPL buys the broadcast rights to SFL games featuring Rangers, we’ve just spotted a rather interesting quirk. Sevco Scotland Limited was accepted to the SFL as an Associate Member, and will not be eligible for full Member status for four years. Rule 19 of the SFL Constitution says: “An Associate Member shall have no financial interest in the assets of the League and shall not be accorded any voting rights.” We assume “the assets of the League” include its media rights. (Indeed, as far as we can see those would be pretty much the only assets jointly owned by the League.) Rule 19 would seem to suggest that if the SFL does want to sell “Rangers” games to the SPL – or indeed to anyone else – not only will the newco not be entitled to a vote on the matter, but it won’t be entitled to any of the money either. We haven’t seen anyone else mention this. It seems quite significant.
  14. Does nobody at the SFA check these documents when they are submitted, in order to point out any clerical errors? Not doing their job properly imo. Seems harsh. Also, is this request by the SFA for clubs to 'fess up to any dual contracts, just an excuse to enable them to say " They are all doing it, we'll call it quits"?
  15. I've been trying to get my avatar ,Denis, interested in this thread but it's not fishy enough for him. I'm trawling. Where's my soo'wester?
  16. Presuming what you say is correct, for the moment, have these tasks, detailed in the rules, been carried out? (That's a rhetorical question, I accept you have no way of knowing.) rhetorical, ha ha, it's like a word off orcmedia.
  17. Which poor sod has to read through everything posted on P&B? AND Ok, I'll go first. Anybody got a link to Off the Ball?........................only kidding.
  18. Just popped on to see who posts at this time of the morning. Wish I hadn't bothered.
  19. An old colleague of mine used to live on the south side of Glasgow and was a Third Lanark supporter as a boy.. When the Hi Hi died, he changed his allegiance to Partick Thistle and later he ended up living in Clydebank. Luckily he stayed loyal to the Jags and avoided seeing two of his clubs dying, although Partick did come close. My point? Sometimes football clubs die. Accept it and move on. eta : a wee snippet from the Thirds history The club was declared bankrupt after the Board of Trade enquiry and was liquidated in 1967. It was alleged that Boardroom corruption played a role in this outcome. On 1 July 1968 four former directors of Third Lanark were found guilty of contravening the Companies Act 1948 and fined £100 each. The investigation by the Board of Trade accused club chairman, Bill Hiddleston, of blatant corruption and that "the circumstances (merited) police inquiry". Hiddleston died of a heart attack in Blackpool in November 1967.
  20. Actually there's usually a messy legal case to see who gets the name, royalties etc.
  21. I'd just like to point out that the English leagues or a fantasy European league would NOT, repeat NOT, invite a Scottish 3rd Division side to join. No disrespect to most 3rd Div teams.
  22. OK and I know this will get messy,. I agree with the idea that good must transfer with bad BUT what if I had had enough money to create a new club and requested the transfer of the SFA membership to this club. Would my new club be Rangers? I should definitely hope not. Would it be down to my choice? The SFA's choice? Over to you.
  23. Ffs don't mention the word Roman! Jesus Christ, this thread will NEVER end.
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