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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. This is apt, could have been written for the orcs. The Fool Is The Last One To Know by the BLUE SHADOWS Now I'm just a working man And I've done all that I can To keep you in your ribbons and your bows Talk gets around In a small country town Where the fool is the last one to know
  2. Bomber (on the phone) "Hullo, hullo ex-player. Ah'm lookin' fur 40,000 quid aff ye tae help ra gers. Are ye up fur it?" Ex-player "Aye. Right. " 'click'. Bomber "Thanks pal! Yus! That's another 40,000 in ra kitty. Here we go!"
  3. Is it not the case that the embargo was illegal as a punishment? The SFA obviously don't consider it illegal as a condition .
  4. Thanks. I understand. I had heard of the Truck Acts but only vaguely. I really don't want to enter into a discussion on the legalities of this but people do get rewarded in kind for certain functions. Someone picks up glasses in a pub and gets free beer, that sort of thing. There are also LETS (local exchange trading system) schemes which must somehow circumvent the rules. Anyhow, thanks again for the info, I was just curious.
  5. As far as I am aware, the only name revealed in Green's 'consortium' is Blue Pitch. Is there any possibility that the consortium does not exist and that Green himself is the majority investor and that he is shitting himself because he thought it would be a relatively quick in and out deal?
  6. I was not aware of this. A quick google search has not confirmed it. Do you have a source, please? I am interested because I have heard of the various 'local currency ' schemes.
  7. Shame. If other clubs also do this then the orcs won't even have the pleasure of visiting smaller towns
  8. That's such a "diddy" thing to do. Too sensible and practical by half. Having said that, we don't know that they haven't offered.
  9. If a club is an intangible, abstract notion, how can it 'win' anything? Let's assume the club does exist. It merely attaches itself to some real life company entity which then 'wins' things. So, the 'things' belong to the corporate entity, not the 'club' which continues as before, as an abstract notion. Howzat?
  10. 40 years history each? I star on each jersey? share Ibrox? supporters buses with 'Mystery Tour' on the board? Suppoters associations could have one team each, it could work.
  11. I would keep the arse cheeks together. Their bile would just poison any shared forum. The ones who taunt each other appear immune to any sane dialogue. Leggo sounding more like a broken man than a broken record. http://leggoland2.blogspot.fr/
  12. Whenever a mole gets into orcmedia and makes some valid points, they ban him and carry on as if nothing had happened. "Bye Declan, (it's usually Declan) mind yer arse on the way out. Now, lets f**k everybody up, c***s. Kill, snarl, bark.. Obsessed, pedo obsessed pedo Torbet bigjockknew mhedia grrrrrr slaver howl shelick lemmon rhegan aaaawwooooo f**k c**t b*****d arse p***k cock slimy Dhoncaster Thhomson Trhaynor Rhecord pedo obsessed make a list kill ****** b*****ds" Not nice people at all.
  13. New club thing makes sense. Ah, wait, could they be an old club, depending which way they jump? This is too convoluted.
  14. I said I wouldn't post any more RM syuff, but I only meant for cheap laffs. This MAY be interesting Someone posted this on twitter, UEFA deems transfer bans illegal. UEFA shelves Transfer Ban punishment Posted by Ed Thompson on Sunday, April 15, 2012 UEFA shelves Transfer Ban punishment 24 November 2011 The Telegraph published a significant FFP article which maintains that UEFA have had to withdraw one of the proposed punishments for exceeding the Break Even deficit. The use of a transfer ban was put forward as a favoured punishment at the ECA in September (see article below). However it appears such a ban would fail the EC's restraint-of-trade rules. This seemingly leaves UEFA with only three options: 1.Levy fines as a punishment (however the irony of being able to buy your way out of the Financial Fair Play requirements will not be lost on many UEFA members). 2.Defer FFP until after Blatter retires from FIFA in 2015 and is replaced by Platini. 3.Impose UEFA competition bans on the worst FFP transgressors Of the three options, UEFA may decide to defer FFP implementation and punishment, citing the Eurozone/recession problems as the reason behind the delay. http://www.financial...-ban-punishment Is this a get out for them?
  15. As Hedgecutter keeps saying, apparently you don(t need a licence. Brechin don't have one. They just get fined every year until they meet the standard.
  16. OK He's a nutter. Would I be correct in thinking that IF he had some success legally and the whole thing starts getting interest from legal vultures, here and abroad then the SFA might just say, "f**k this we don't need the hassle, you're banned totally, for ever. Beat it." Now that's a nuclear option.
  17. Bob fucking Flowerdew? Whole post fair comment I think. This carry-on pleases on so many levels. Not least of which is the guarantee that this thread lives on, complete with its history and in the top division of threads.
  18. Ha ha ha ha ha ha Posted Today, 05:24 PM AlanCompton, on 16 July 2012 - 05:20 PM, said: Green would walk away and no one would be able to keep us afloat. The Rangers family? Is there not over 5 million of us? I'm not posting any more of these. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. It's also demeaning to P&B. I apologise. (Go and look for yourselves)
  19. Orcs now grunting about playing in NI ffs! Any chance they could all up sticks and move over there and leave us all in peace! I'd chuck money in the bucket. "EXILE AN ORC" give us your bank details..............
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