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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. That WAS Chic. Honing his skills at an early age. What school did you go to? Sorry.
  2. OK, I know this is an ancient saying but it just seemed so fitting used in this context. I can almost see it as a wee cartoon. Quote Brian Stockbridge twice explained the financial situation to Brown which appeared to go in one ear and out the other…. I'm also surprised as I thought nothing could escape a black hole.
  3. One of the responses Meanwhile, Charles Green has a stipulation in the asset sale which means that unless certain criteria are met, he can cancel the deal and walk away without paying a penny on July 30th. What if one of those stipulations was that Rangers were in SPL or Division 1? Or perhaps SPL or the Division below SPL (which is why there's a sudden clamor for SPL2) July 30th, the next deadline dateline . The show must go on.
  4. SSN website still has rangers in SPL in drop down box. Drop down box, ha ha.
  5. Not being pedantic but just for clarity I believe it's Sevco Scotland. More than happy to be corrected. Whatever it is, we should all use it.
  6. I have mentioned before that 3rd Div grounds are small. It's just not possible for large numbers of orcs to follow follow even if they want to.. A quick calculation shows the average capacity to be around 4,000, (excluding Hampden, of course).
  7. Lashings? As in "Lashings of ginger beer" or even better, "Lashings of ice cream and jelly" ? When Sevco goes bust, I DO hope RM continues. It's hilarious (when it's not horrifying).
  8. The CL games were like 'football porn' for the orcs. They got to watch beautiful football while imagining that they too could one day join in. Now that the harsh bedroom light of reality has been switched on, they might not be so keen.
  9. Oh! So you think Doncaster and Ogilvie are capable of packing their own bags? Sycophant!
  10. "We are the sad, pathetic, vindictive, ignorant, intellectually challenged people." Not very catchy but correct.
  11. Nah. They tried a stitch-up and failed. I do not see how they could turn it around AND survive the aftermath, which would fkn HORRENDOUS. I don't even see how they can turn it full stop. Not after Sevco fishully in Div3. They are, aren't they?
  12. Sevco fans will say it's pish, of course. I think 11000 for a friendly is excellent.
  13. If they draw County away, I imagine that would just be the start of their punishment.
  15. Carlsberg don't make statements, but if they did................. TURNBULL HUTTON SAYS "WHO'S THE DADDY?"
  16. Was it just blue white and red tricolours? 14th July, Bastille day , might be French folk.
  17. Chic Young's comment about "special case" would mean, in effect, that if Rangers had ever finished last, then they could not be relegated. What would be the point of the game then? What an absolute c**t of an individual.
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