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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Soz. Memory failed me on the background. Enjoy. My last pint of lager in Tennent's before I moved to France cost 2 pounds and the barman put the coin in his pocket. I imagine he didn't last long.
  2. Apologies if this is old, it's new to me. I'm sure someone can change the music as required. glory.mp4
  3. Don't know. Is there a search function? Maybe Div should provide a list of words that can't be used. I'll make a start **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** eta oops! forgot ***
  4. Shitshow is ok tho? Smegfest...snot rag...piss flaps...arse wipe...***** Used your d-word at the end there. It's all a bit bizarre.
  5. I see P&B censored the word 'p***ked'. What's going on? eta Ah. I'm going to try Scunthorpe. eta Ah, Scunthorpe is OK, how about pinp***k, p***kle, p***kear. eta Oh dear, the world's going mental. ( I don't suppose I should use that word)
  6. I remember once at a party in the wee small drunken hours, someone explaining that JC was a socialist rebel . (wild times )
  7. I like to see Scottish teams do well in Europe. I just wish The Rangers and their fans were more Scottish.
  8. Have there been a lot more goals scored in the dying minutes of a game recently, (as in the last decade ) than there used to be (as in the last 60 years)? Seems that way to me. Maybe it's because we have lots more 5 and 6 minute add-ons now.
  9. This. Just wait until the right wing meeja ramps up the claims that all the problems are due to brexit not being done properly and it's the lefty, remainer, civil service that's holding us back, and the lefty BBC, and the commie SNP and those nasty union bully boys .....and the metric system....and covid, and the weather (but not climate change) and immigration (nearly forgot that one). GSTQ (for now) and Bring Back Boris, he was great. The UK is in big trouble imo.
  10. If taxes are cut then services will suffer. Do you want to personally pay your refuse collector., traffic warden (ha) school teacher, etc? Or do you just want to privatise them and pay higher costs to cover dividend payments to shareholders?
  11. They don't. We don't even register on their radar unless they are specifically asked a relevant question. The 3 non-Engs might be 'despised', that's about it. eta Nah, just realised that's close to 'hate' so I'll stick with 'don't care'.
  12. To be fair, the Dutch (?) fans use the Holland word in chants.
  13. " The most successful political party in the world" I'm sure I've heard something like that before.
  14. There are approx 180, 000 members of the Conservative party. Why do we have to suffer national tv coverage of this shit show for their benefit? If anyone says 'just swich off' , I have already had my viewing pleasure ruined when pre-set recordings got buggered up by Johnson's antics recently, causing over-runs and special bulletins. It's just not good enough! Tories Out!
  15. So the Tories decide on the leader by whittling out the useless fuckers . (I know, they are ALL useless) I wish the UK electoral system operated the same way. No Tories in the final run off.
  16. UK dwellers will have to endure 8 weeks of wall to wall coverage of this and still end up with a c**t* as PM. (*non-gender specific) Ha! I've just seen the poll at the start of the thread. Vote cast for ANOTHER c**t.
  17. It sems that the 'un word has gained traction in other spheres of life and will be appearing more often. There is now a 'hunsnet', which may attract some unexpected and unwelcome attention. "A huge source of lockdown escapism, *** culture’s biggest exponents are Instagram accounts such as Loveofhuns (650k followers) and Hunsnet (205k followers), while its famous acolytes range from Joe Lycett to Lily Allen to Katy Perry. " Hunbelievable....
  18. So, can we now expect a bluster-f**k from the bold Boris? eta Here, how come my 'f**k' got censored but the OP's didn't?
  19. Ha ha fucking ha. Johnson to be honest ? It's hard to believe fuckwits like this actually exist. Sadly, they do.
  20. We should have House of Ladies in these enlightened times. Naw we shouldnae, just kidding.
  21. I'll be sorry to see him go, he was killing the Tory party.
  22. I was saddened to hear of Goram's death. I think he did the right thing, going out quickly, no lingering on with chemo etc. Just one thing, I looked at the Daily Record for info (a mistake, maybe) and saw this :- You know you were some of distinction when your famous nickname precedes you - and that was the case with Andy Goram. Goram, affectionately known as 'The Goalie', won 10 major honours with the Light Blues during a seven-year spell in Govan. I never knew his nickname was 'the goalie'. Just me?
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