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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. This from RM j1mgg Gazza Group: True Blue Posts: 6,885 Rep: 42 Joined: 26-January 07 Posted Today, 05:41 PM We will sit it out for a year and maybe go travelling round Europe and come back stronger next year, like a gap year. I don't even think it's one of us. Un-fuckign-believable. Really.
  2. Excellent first post. I'd give you a greenie but as previously stated I have used them all up on this day of euphoria.
  3. It might be good if you let your views be known on e.g. talkceltic. I would do it myself but I tried to join twice, they won't let me in. Paranoia
  4. We all know that what they should be investigating is how the club was run long before Whyte ever appeared as a billionaire. Maybe better coming from another Police Force and NOT Strathclyde? Good idea but non runner I think.
  5. This, posted on RM CanadianBacon GOT MY MOJO WORKING Group: Moderator Posts: 6,122 Rep: 320 Joined: 06-August 08 Posted Today, 11:38 AM 'The Rangers c***s-Who-Cared-More-About-Themselves-Than-The-Club-Or-The-Fans of 2012' more like. 0 Please note that this poster appears to be a MODERATOR ffs. No asterisks in the original.
  6. Yes, you are correct, it IS scalextric. That's what I was saying. Sorry I started this now.
  7. I tried to give you a greenie just for writing "scalextric" and not "scalectrix" but I've run out. Just something that annoys me.
  8. Folk keep referring to it as a car crash. Personally I prefer 'train wreck'. It just seems more apt as it just keeps going and going and there are no buffers in sight. edit except the old ones at the SFA
  9. I had a look at this blog out of curiosity and it struck me that he has a similar writing style to that of Leggo. ie short sentences separated by large white spaces. Could they be one and the same person? (Please don't ask about the content as I just skimmed it)
  10. Edit: probably how it went ... ** phone rings ** seccy: SFA how can I can help you .. Green: They're walking away .. help !! seccy: Who are you ? Green: Mr. Green the Rangers owner ... seccy: Ranger's , lemme see .. no we have no record of a Rangers (pause) .. hold on a minute .. Sevco .... there's a note here stating people may ring insisting that Rangers still exist ... is that the one ? Green: YES !! seccy: So what can we do for you .. Green: My players are refusing to transfer over to my new company and selling them on was part of my plan to screw the creditors and the oldco .. Can I take legal action seccy: Mr Green you really need to seek professional legal advice in these matters it's not for the SFA to tell you what to do, Green: Aye but I have nae pot to piss in ... I canne afford a lawyer. seccy: Hardly our problem Mr Green .. bye . ** click *** Investors (rumoured) gathered around his desk : "So whit did they say?" Green: We are within our rights to seek legal redress against these scoundrels ... OR maybe Green didn't write the number down properly and he's been getting advice from a wee guy in a single end in Vicky road.
  11. You can add all of the players walking away in the next few days. At least they don't have to worry about rver having to come back to play at Ibrox. As an aside, this thread seems to have slowed down recently. Are we all getting bored? Fatigued? Just saving it for next week?
  12. Not sure about Green being loopy, wrong yes, but Ally seems to be suffering some sort of psychosis. I am not a doctor.
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