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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Yes. Fans aren't responsible for the actions of their directors or chairmen or owners. Wait a minute, I've heard that before....................
  2. Just heard it on 'fishul BBC Radio 4 news. Sounded gooood. Only mistake was they called 'Sevco', 'Rangers'.
  3. "Rangers" don't exist. Sevco won't do that. MAYBE if someone else bought out Sevco, it could happen.
  4. The vast majority of pro-div3 orcs wanted it for the reason of seeing the SPL collapse without them. Very few appeared to be genuinely wanting this for the 'right' reason. i.e. take our medicine and get on with it.
  5. They really are confused. "Yippee! We will be playing in the Scottish 3rd Division!!!" (no offence) Lucky to be playing anywhere, I suppose. Still exists the possibility of NOT playing anywhere. Happy happy at the moment. Can only take it one day at a time and enjoy it, otherwise it will soon all be over and I will have missed the chance to rejoice. (horrible woman) Rejoice while the iron is hot. Just babbling on here, might be delirious.:P:);)
  6. Correct. Basically 'myriad' means 'lots of'. One would not say 'lots of of'' Pedants corner for this pish. (Don't write the word 'pedant' on orcmedia......................
  7. So, any 'decisions' made today will be made after 'lunch'. When they're all pished. Great.
  8. I believe the Nazis subverted an ancient peace symbol (chinese?) by reversing it. Pub quiz knowledge, haven't bothered to check if true.
  9. Change your appointment to 2.30.............. Coat, hat, gloves, wellies.....................
  10. I bought 5 weeks lottery tickets frm RR as a gesture. I would contribute to a fine bucket if required.
  11. BBC news still saying SPL vote today will decide Newco's future. Don't understand that. Does SFA's statement yesterday mean nothing? Edit OK I now understand..........in a non-understanding way
  12. This from RM Lets be sensible here...........Dundee, Motherwell and Gretna could all disappear forever and nobody would really notice. Rangers meltdown affects everybody, because they all live of our scraps. Thats what it boils down to.........they all depend on our club, and as Malcolm Murray so eloquently pointed out, the actions of the previous custodians of Rangers has a domino effect that no other club would have caused. We've done nothing wrong,but David Murray & Whyte have let everybody down, big style. Now I realise it's just the viewpoint of one orc but it seems to reflect the outlook of a great many of them. Unless of course the general views on RM do NOTreflect those of the wider support. Unlike here on P&B .( IMO.) My point? I just don't like theminges
  13. I know what you mean. I can see the moon from my house but I never saw the Americans landing on it. Conspiracy.
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