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  1. Hey Folks, have a ticket for the game at the weekend but cant go now - anyone needing one?
  2. Went to school with Martin, he was in my class/year, quite a few Falkirk games too back in the day at Brockville. Nice guy, always was the sporty one and you could tell this was the direction he wanted to go in. I even remember in PE one day scudding him on the back of the head with a wayward shot as he was doing pull ups on the crossbar. There was a double thunk as the ball hit him on the back of the head, then his head hitting the crossbar followed by the inevitable fall. (Sorry mate if you read this - makes me laugh but I did feel sorry for you). Might explain why he took the job Best of luck Martin - hope you boss it. If you ever wanted a “local” Falkirk supporter turned manager, this is it.
  3. I love how in this tread you have Falkirk fans and Clyde fans arguing that their own team are going to get pumped the most.
  4. The look of it, not the sponsor themselves. The red doesn't work, also don't get why we need the subtext either, at least that text could have been smaller like demolition was, CLARKE would have been fine in white - the rest of it ruins it, especially the POS bit. Who the f**k thought that was a good idea (and i know its not supposed to be piece of s***) Hell they could have framed it in white like the old coasters strip - make it more of a homage - but nope - lets make it red. I'll no be buying.
  5. There's actually very little evidence you have any of the relevant qualifications or required experience to be posting an opinion which should be taken seriously. There is however, a lot of evidence that you're not listening to those who do have relevant qualifications and the required experience and are taking drivel that, if taken seriously, would get people killed. f**k off.
  6. New Falkirk Strip, quite like the look of this...
  7. Notice that the statements from Green and McCoist both insinuating they have been "punished". Sorry lads, not yet, the only thing that's happened is that the rules have been applied, punishment should still be forthcoming.
  8. Best comment yet on the BBC Live Ticker:- Brian Chennell: "Rangers supporters should stop going to all away games and keep money for friendlies at Ibrox v top European teams"
  9. I cant believe others have missed this one... Boxing Day - Wednesday 26 December Club 12 v Celtic Thats the biggest indication yet that the decision has already been taken at some level irrespective of what we are told...
  10. This would only be possible if other clubs banked with the BoS wouldnt it?
  11. You say that but, really, whats the point? Your playing against opposition with an unfair advantage gained from cheating the game, cheating you as a taxpayer and sanctioned by the ruling authorities. There's no excitement or thrill in that, its going through the motions waiting for the inevitable outcome. If this isnt dealt with fairly and per current rules, I really am finished with Scottish football, its a pointless exercise setup to cater for two clubs at the expense of the quality of our game, our league, our youth and our national team. Its funny, as im writing this, i dont feel angry as i probably should, i just feel apathy and almost an acceptance that, well, we all knew they would worm their way out of it anyway, because, lets face it we all did. Its just, to see it actually come to fruition, it almost confirms your darkest fears and suspisions about those running the game and their motives.
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