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  1. The fat ginger man, He was better than Zidane.
  2. So that’s 11 players available for Bonnyrigg inc the keepers.
  3. None of last night’s injuries sound like quick fixes. That leaves us with 12 available players by my reckoning. With the League Cup more or less sorted for the bigger teams, might we see these loan players come in sooner? Bonnyrigg would be an ideal opportunity to prepare for the league campaign.
  4. Good to read these comments. The performance of Spalding is particularly encouraging. That presence in the midfield has been badly lacking since Chris Hamilton moved on.
  5. I remember every game from the 60s. We won them all. Jimmy Jack and Dennis Bruce took turns at scoring hat tricks. No wonder I’m pissed off now.
  6. Interestingly I noticed several of the long distance Lichties at the game on Saturday. Some travel far and have done for many years. Good to see these stalwarts not put off by recent performances.
  7. Last 2 seasons the recruitment was a shambles. I was rather naively hoping we might hit the ground running this time. Shows how much I know.
  8. No mention of Hammy’s injury in the Courier. Fingers crossed he’s ok.
  9. Jim saying in the Courier that we’ll strengthen in 4 or 5 weeks. I don’t think the fans will tolerate many more drubbings.
  10. Plenty of decent journeymen in the team, but a total lack of spark or creativity. In past seasons we had players like Linn , Bird, McKenna etc. there’s now nobody who looks like turning a game around. The new strikers may be the answer but I’m not convinced. Some loan talent appears to be the only chance we’ve got to lift this squad.
  11. Getting badly beaten at home by Annan is one of the low points of a very bad series of defeats. The fact that they were showboating in the second half against the team supposedly league favourites speaks volumes. What happened to the level of performance shown against Dundee? We were second best even before the sending off. Never mind no strikers. We had no midfield creativity. Their no 11 was streets ahead of anyone in Maroon. I was prepared to give the new management team a chance, but their time is fast running out. If we’re struggling due to lack of the right players it’s because we haven’t signed the right players.
  12. For me, the season starts on Saturday. There are lots of positive signs but that needs to translate into goals and points. The new signings all look sound, especially McAdams the keeper who is a great addition.
  13. No strikers again tonight? Last season it was defenders all injured. When do we get a break from this bad luck?
  14. There was definitely a different feel to the team performance yesterday. Bisland and Wilkie both impressed me. Slater and Murray looked much more effective and fit. Despite the defeat there was a lot of decent football and a good shape. With several established players yet to come back things look positive.
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