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Everything posted by McB

  1. It's amazing the amount of medical terminology (aka 'bad medical chat') that my parents and boyfriend have picked up since I qualified. (into the tissue under the skin (i.e. fat) and into a vein btw. i know you probably don't care, but pfft )
  2. Re. the insulin thing, that does have to be injected subcutaneously or intravenously, but there are tablets which can have the same effect (i.e. lowering the blood glucose level)
  3. Erm, me? Very nearly. I stupidly decided that: a. I could do it all myself b. I didn't need to rent a van No, no, no.
  4. I am never, ever, ever, attempting to move house ever again. I want to Edit: I believe yon burd from the black eyed peas was indeed a junkie. More to the point, their music is shiite.
  5. A skunk and a dumbarton fan, for what it's worth. I don't like getting outnumbered. And it's not a gore-fest. It's a game of fitba, with a diddy cup awarded at the end. I'm sure you're a really sound bloke but sometimes the stuff you type doesn't necessarily come across in the way you mean it to given the lack of tone of voice and that. Maybe something for you to consider
  6. Aye, hilarity ensued right enough I'm hoping it's just close-season insanity, but if yon nonsense continues you're getting put on ignore. Abuse from skunks is understandable, but plastic skunks? Fuxake. Never did I think I'd see someone stoop so low.
  7. I agree entirely! Though there are compensations. Like not having to put up with a messy, smelly, farting bloke about the hoose. And just cos it isn't frequent, doesn't mean it isn't fun. So my friend told me
  8. Lenka - The Show The sort of burd pop that drives my boyfriend mental. There are definite advantages to living 500 miles apart sometimes
  9. I got a Hep B booster earlier today (yesterday for P&B's pedants). Unfortunately the nurse administering said jag was a wee bit overenthusiastic and I now have a deid arm. Plus, after having a mantoux test (the one for TB where they inject a wee bit of toxin just under your skin) three times 'cos she couldn't do it properly, it transpires that despite having a fecking BCG I've not reacted. Which means I need another BCG. Except they don't have any in stock. It's a fúcking hospital! I despair, I really do.
  10. During my last stint in O&G we would arrange to admit you and induce labour once you were 10 days overdue. I guess different hospitals and health boards might have different policies though. I agree going four weeks overdue sounds horrendous.
  11. The lads across the road (who have recently started a band) have today got a drumkit, and new and improved amps for both their lead and bass guitars. They appear to be having a (very (very) loud) gig to celebrate. I don't know what's worse, knowing that I'm going to get f**k all sleep, or the realisation that I'm getting old - five years ago I would have just wandered over with a couple of cans
  12. Work are apparently sending me to Lochgilphead. For six months.
  13. I got a bit fired up at work earlier, after one of the consultants transferred a patient of his from a private hospital elsewhere to the private ward in the hospital where I currently work. No transfer letter, no clerking, no phone call, f**k all. Just an unwell bloke pitching up with a set of notes, the entry in which is dated 18 June ('Patient well. Plan: Continue') Magic. Anyway, I wrote in the notes something along the lines of 'Patient apparently transferred from X. No transfer letter, nothing written in notes, no phone call. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!' I'm going to get an absolute bollocking tomorrow
  14. Getting on a bit indeed! Just cos I'm from Larkfield and I'm not yet a maw of five to four different fathers, fuxake Anyway, a wean, no. A hamster, maybe
  15. Nosey patients. Me 'aye, so we'll keep going with the antibiotics, everything seems fine, and the consultant will see you tomorrow, ok?' Patient 'ok. So, where are you off to in August?' Me: 'erm, I'm going back to Glasgow to train to be a GP.' Patient: 'oh, my daughter did that. I wanted her to be a surgeon. So do you want babies then?' Me: Patient: What's his name then? Me: Patient: So is he going to marry you then? How old are you, 28, 29? You're not old enough to get married. Me: I think it's the first time ever I've actually been left speechless
  16. My SpR (my immediate boss, ineffect) deciding that we're going to start tomorrow at 8, rather than 9. Eh, why? I've got a new job lined up from the start of August, so it's tempting to say 'no' and see what happens. I'm fairly certain they wouldn't sack me as tho it's a crap job it nonetheless requires a fair bit of experience - last time someone resigned it took them 3 months to find a suitably qualified replacement...
  17. And you were earlier talkng about how you'd be weeing alfresco cos you hadn't found the Barshaw lavvies?
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