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Everything posted by McB

  1. Al Wilson - The Snake Northern Soul Rules
  2. McB


    Tickets for Malky Middleton (the 'We're all going to die' tour ) arrived today. Now I just have to attempt to wangle that evening off...
  3. McB


    Biffy were utterly brilliant, and Nine Black Alps were indeed pretty decent. Covered in bruises this morning though, think I must be getting a wee bit old for over-enthusiastic pogo-ing
  4. Much as I normally would, he's responsible for my assessment this block. Without a semi-decent assessment I don't stand a chance of getting a job in August Ach, after a rant at my maw (and several glasses of red wine) I'm feeling a lot better. Switching jobs in December, cannot fucking wait. LOL! Thanks for the suggestion...
  5. My supervisor at work is an absolute fcking bawbag. This afternoon I got a proper bollocking for: being quiet and 'a bit shy'. This went on for about 10 minutes, in which he called me abnormal at least twice and asked if I was mentally ill. I was utterly, utterly raging. To the extent that i got a wee bit teary. At which point he asked again if I was mentally ill. Fucking bawbag.
  6. McB


    Going to see them tomorow at the Barras (barring multiple unforeseeable catastrophes, natch) Cannae wait. Mon the Biffy indeed
  7. Haven't read the book - though I think Fopp have it for all of three quid, so I might do fairly soon. Did he mention why he thought it was crap? Poorly written?
  8. 'Control' Stunning. Whilst I love Joy Division's music, this isn't so much about the band as about Curtis and his descent into depression and self-loathing, his attempts to deal with the fact that his marriage was disintegrating, and his realisation that he couldn't deal with what being the lead singer, and consequently 'the star' entailed. Cracking performances from Samantha Morton (I think she was Deborah Curtis?) and whoever was Tony Wilson. Didn't understand the people laughing uproariously from just before the final credits though. Without wishing to sound like my maw, and appreciating it's a film and that - a bloke commiting suicide is funny?
  9. This is both a petty nag and a RTBC... probably more of a petty nag at the moment. I'm working at Yorkhill this week, and the nurses in A&E don't believe I'm a doctor. I'd thought it was a bit weird yesterday - I was prescribing paracetamol and stuff, and kept getting told 'you'll need to get someone to sign that'. I thought it was just because I'd not worked in paediatrics before, they were being a wee bit protective, which is understandable. It was only when I checked the nursing notes for a patient I'd seen: 'X seen by medical student McB @ 5pm...' I'd like to think it's *not* because they think I'm incompetent
  10. His confidence, self-respect, standing amongst his peers? Sorry. Coddy's right. Honest
  11. From 9 o'clock tonight I am apparently the on-call psychiatrist for Inverclyde. I have five weeks' experience in psychiatry. That was in 2003. I'm properly shiiiting it.
  12. My fourth on-call in less than a week. This rota is fcking atrocious. Although it does mean I have an cast-iron excuse for not going out with the guys from work tonight... every cloud and that.
  13. Oooh, i have lots: i was at a gig last night, pogo'ed a lot, and today walking is very painful. Climbing stairs is close to impossible. my new mattress was getting delivered to the flat, anytime after 7am. They showed up at 1.30pm. Now could they not have told me that they'd be after midday at least? a paint colour i picked for the flat, which looked cream on the chart, looks peach on the wall. Pish. Morton are joint-joint-top of the league though, so all of the above is inconsequential
  14. That explains some of your posts last night then. And as to the 'never drinking again' guff - aye, right you are
  15. McB


    And now Biffy Clyro as well With my sister. Apparently. Could be interesting...
  16. Malcolm Middleton - The Rebel on his own Tonight Lyrical genius
  17. Only a wee bit on my trainers... He then made me feel much better by telling me 'God, you look terrible' Naw, really?
  18. Projectile vomiting outside a young gentleman's flat as said young gentleman was walking me home Classy, no?
  19. Choon! Now: Arcade Fire - Intervention. Immense.
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