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Posts posted by 1888bhoy67

  1. Home made dough done in the bread maker, slather a baking tray with EV olive oil, put your flattened out base on the tray, add a few tablespoons of Asda's tomato and herb pasta sauce, mountains of cheese and pepperoni, or for the kids, slices of smoked sausage, it's an eye opener in the taste of pizza, absolutely wonderful!!

  2. I thought first time babies were supposed to be long and arduous? I was watching TV at half 8 and the missus came in to say her water had broken, by 00:29 we had baby Isabella (Izzy for short)

    Mum and baby doing well, currently necking some pie and beans at the hospital cafe and hopefully get them home for dinner.

    I have never shit it so much in my life.

    Congrats Bobby, glad everything went ok, mind and stock up on whatever kip you can between now and the pair of them getting home!! :thumsup2

  3. Is this why the signs on the M77 are warning about increased motorcycle traffic?

    I think it's just general warning for the time of year, cos the matrix between Queen Margaret and Holmston roundabouts still has that on it and has had for weeks!!

  4. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/police-report-highlights-shocking-neglect-3619414

    When do we start compulsorily sterilising scumbags like this when they've proven they couldn't look after a hot drink?

    I was sat in Crosshouse hospital yesterday while the wee one was getting her blood transfusion reading this, and i was genuinely lost for words, and even more so when i read that the mother didn't have any regret or sense of responsibility, for what had happened, and absolute joke of a situation by the justice system imo, how the feck could the prosecution not have enough evidence to do the pair of them, for something, is utterly beyond me!!!

  5. Our first is due a week today, unfortunately my grandfather passed away last Saturday and have the funeral on Friday in Inverness.

    Although i'm leaving it for her to decide if she wants to chance it as she knows her own body, I am extremely nervous about her waters breaking in Drumochter or something.

    Sorry to hear that mate, bittersweet time for you!!!

    Top tip by the way for any expectant parents, ffs don't buy MAM anti-colic bottles, sure they do what they say on the tin but by feck are they a bastart to clean, 6 feckin pieces to each bottle and they footery as feck to get cleaned in the sink, you need to use the wee toaty teat brush for most of the bits as they have holes and ridges and openings here there and feckin every where, then you need to organise them with military precision in the steriliser, absolute nightmare!!!

    Plus, they are a c**t to heat too as the bottom screw piece has the holes in it for the air to equalise with a wee seperate rubber seal which lets the milk pish out and hot water pish in from the bottle warmer, meaning you have to decant the milk into another steralised vessel, heat it and then decant it back into the feckin bottle, an absolute joy at half 3 in the morning!!!

    and she's went and bought 20 of the feckers :thumbsdown

  6. Indeed she is mate, and don't get me wrong, we're over the moon that she's out of danger, but the SCU has very strict rules about them feeding, and she won't get home until those rules are met, but with how under staffed they are, that could be a while!!

    the mrs reckon's we can refuse to have her being tube fed, i'm not so sure, anyone know anything about this??

  7. The wee one is now 3 weeks and 5 days and is still in the SCU, her blood is no longer a danger and they just want her to start taking all her feeds from a bottle now, it's a bit of a nightmare, as the hospital is quite under staffed and they don't have the man power to sit and persevere with her, so they give her 15-20 minutes and stick whatever she hasn't taken down her tube, and this is doing my mrs's head in as she can get her to take the bottles no problem, but we can't be there 24/7 so this looks like it could drag on for a good bit longer!!

  8. Wee update on Orlaith-Rose, 13 days today, and still being tube fed, her billiruben is creeping up again so we expect her to be back under lights again, setting her back for another few weeks.

    A long road again it seems to get her home, just want the wee doll out of hospital and with her family!!



  9. Disregarding all that, how's the bairn?

    It's pretty much as you were mate, only thing different from this morning is that she's had her second exchange transfusion and again, waiting on a second set of blood results to see how the billiruben levels are sitting,

    just a waiting game game really, and a feckin torturous one at that, really know i can't go through this again :(

    cheers for all the well wishes btw, i do appreciate it, ye's are all a good bunch!!!

  10. Seriously? Your health visitor isn't doing her job properly if she has not given you the proper information regarding the dangers of solids before 16 weeks. I'm sure some advise nothing but milk before 20 weeks.

    Guidelines are there for a reason.

    Edit: And the chances are that it was wind, not a smile.

    Your health visitor should be fucking sacked in fairness,

    my last 3 were prem, so i know a fair bit about it, the medical people take into account the premature time effectively disregard it, and add it to their actual age to come up with a corrected age.

    I don't usually like calling people liars, but at best thats exactly what you are Cracowjambo, and at worst your a downright arsehole, after reading some of the shite you've posted here!!!

  11. Well i managed to a couple of photos of wee Orlaith Rose when she had pulled her wee neo shades off yesterday, and she's a little miniture clone of our youngest Rhiannon,





    She needs a double exchange blood transfusion to try and get rid of the anti-bodies as her billi levels got aggressively high, but the issue with that is if she doesn't get the transfusion she wouldn't make it, but with getting the transfusion it puts her in a 1 -50 risk of developing further more serious issues including brain damage and breathing problems. She had the first one over the course of the day yesterday so she has to have 2 blood tests to check these billi levels, the first one should be ok, but it's the second one that will give us a true indication of wether the levels have started coming down, so she still needs to be breathed for until these transfusions are done, and she'll be under the lights for the forseeable future,

    she's also been getting feed and fluids through other lines in her body,

    As much as some of our others have been here before, it really doesn't get any easier, and i just want to breakdown every time i see the wee soul lying there as i feel completely helpless, it's soul destroying :(

  12. Well it's been an eventful day to say the least, the mrs was supposed to have another transfusion but the consultant said the baby was making it too difficult to get the needle into the cord as she was rolling it around her and grabbing hold of it, so, they got her in for a section today at 33 weeks, which she had to have under general anaesthetic,

    so meet Orlaith Rose, :wub: delivered at 11.13am this morning, weighing in at 6.6 lbs, but she is swollen with fluid and is expected to drop two pounds over the next week!!

    She has some issues as she's 7 weeks early on top of the rhesus issues we already knew about, she is under the lamps for this and her billiruben levels are starting to increase which is a worry, and she has some fluid in her lungs and had to be intubated on a breathing ventilator which hopefully does it's job by tomorrow!! We are just waiting on various test results coming back to see if she's going to be in the nnu long or short term so we are praying she's ok!!




  13. I thought a Corvette was going to win it!!

    The commentator wouldn't stfu about the 'slowest corner in motorsport' either, every 2 feckin seconds they were talking about the 28 mph hairpin and how the GTLM cars would keep pace with the faster classes, think it was them that put me to sleep!!!

    Next up Laguna Seca, i love that track!!!

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