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Posts posted by 1888bhoy67

  1. Rowan, she's improving, they have removed her oxygen mask and she's feeding by herself too, my mrs say's she's screaming blue murderwhen she's hungry now, which is obviously a great sign,

    She had 10 lamps over her yesterday and the docs removed 2 of them last night, but the early blood test this morning showed her billiruben levels had increased slightly again so they had to put one of the lamps back, but all in all she's definitely better than she was,

    Just getting increasingly impatient to hold her now!!!!

    The mrs sent me this earlier,


    Just getting myself organised to head back up, hate this feckin journey with a passion, but needs must!!!

  2. Congrats mate. Not long and it'll all be fine Rhiannon was always my favourite girls name but the Mrs vetoed it.

    "Would you stay if she promised you heaven?"

    Top name sir.

    Fell in love with the name as a wee guy mate, i grew up with FM, The Eagles, etc, and the old man always used to have FM on in the car going to the fitba, and Rhiannon has always been my choice of name for our current 3 girls which the mrs has also vetoed, until today, when i got my way with our 4th daughter, well fairs fair i suppose, thats 3 names to her and 3 from me as i got to name our 2 boys!!! :thumsup2


  3. Well little Rhiannon was born at 12.15 pm today, at 35 weeks, though bitter sweet, as the mrs has to eventually be taken for a section under general anaestetic as she cant have a spinal or epidural due to a previous epidural going wrong and leaving some nerve damage,

    Anyway, the baby is in NNU under lamps for jaunice and is also needing help breathing and has lines in for fluids etc, so she's not as well as we'd hoped,

    The mrs is still mashed as she only came to a few hours ago and is, understandably, not too well, so i've just had to come home as i'm feckin useless at hospital and my younger kids were needing some reassurance as well,

    just a wee pic of the baby at about 30 minutes old and before she got all the tubes and stuff attached,



  4. And very difficult to engage at times.

    BTW, the start of the racing season in my view starts with the Daytona 24 hrs....however theres not much racing going on at the moment. Fog everywhere.


    I was watching it last night,

    what was the craic with McNish, he didn't get into the car for his stint as expected, and i was too tired to keep watching!!

    Few good spins and crashes early on though!!

  5. Wasn't wearing her glasses while reading medication orders, bloody lucky she under dosed and not Over dosed. I'd be furious too.

    Hope your mrs and baby are ok.

    Just got her back home, and she's improved alot since yesterday,

    The steroid injection caused keytones in her blood, which was blatantly disregarded at the SG, they never even read her notes apparantly, fucking unacceptable,

    as for under prescribing, i'm thankful it was under prescribed as the consequences of over prescribing are obvious,

    I've spoke to my local councillor earlier and he's got the ball moving regards a complaint, turns out he's pals with Alex Neil and will be getting in touch with him this evening, and i'm also waiting on a call from my own MSP, as i'm not letting negligence like that go uncontested!!!

  6. Bumping this, as i'm still wifeless and bealing mad.gif

    She's had another insluilne solltion put int her canula, so so much for ti gonna be 10 hour flow,i'll be lucky to get her back the morn at this rate,

    Just as long as we dont end up wi a 26 week old newborn unsure.gif

    Although that said, if hey are both healthy then i suppose it's dusted!!

  7. Well, what a few days mad.gif

    The mrs has been kept in at Crosshouse in Killie today due to the sheer ineptitude of Greater Glasgow Health Board,

    She got her IUT yesterday up at the Southern General, and no c**t seemed to know what the right hand was doing from the left!!!

    Firstly the midwife gave her the wrong dosage of pre-med as and i quote "I never had my glasses on and thought it read 4mg instead of 4x 4mg" , now that in itself is, imo fucking disgraceful,

    secondly, they give her a steroid shot which she should never have had due to the confliction with her diabete's and as a result is now on a 10 hour log drip to get her sugar's back under control,

    The staff up at the SG are fucking seriously lacking in basic communication skills, and i'm definitely going ahead with a complaint,

    super stressed and cant even be arsed putting in everything that went on yesterday and today, but some c**t up there is going to get a detonation from me at the next visit!!!!!!

  8. Another trip to the Southern General tomorrow for us, for another IUT,

    Had to go up today so they could do another blood matching, and by f**k that hospital is one c**t of a place to get parked, think i was about 25 minutes just driving around the zones and multi-storey before finding a space, just more stress added to a very stressful day, and it'll no doubt be the same tomorrow sad.gif

  9. Just noticed this thread, feck me, Oasis were my band when i was in my teen's, i used to burst a nut and ballsack whenever i knew there was a gig i could wangle myself to, and still to the day, they are up there along with Noel's solo stuff and The Verve &Ashcroft as my biggest musical influences,

    from one of the 'lesser' albums, but a timeless track AFAIC,

  10. Thanks to those who replied to me, it is very much appreciated,

    Well, i managed yesterday, just about at first as i felt like a pressurised gas tank as soon i entered the kitchen to prepare the meal, but i managed to use some of the techniques i learned when i was gettin councilling and those managed to get me through that period,

    Initially i woke up (well my 2nd youngest woke us up as santa had been) i was in a better place, but i think that was due to it being Christmas morning, but a few hours later, i honestly felt like just heading back up the stairs for the day, however, my wife stepped in and we had a chat and i got on with things, and then remember the rexalation therapy i had, so the mrs sent me away to clear my head for an hour or so, and i felt much better, but as dinner time approached, as i said above, i let the pressure get to me and was being short with everyone, but that few hours in the kitchen actually ended up making me feel better for the rest of the day, so i'm thankful for that, and also thankful i have people around me who are patient with me and do try and help!!

    I'd just like to comment on the people suggesting thinking happy thoughts', if it works for you and other's then i see no need for anyone critisicing it,

    Some people are far too quick to try and rip the pish about this illness and also dismiss it with comments like 'just get on with it' which particularly sticks in my throat, but, i like think and hope the majority say and think and say these things out ignorance rather than spite.

    Anyway, feel better this morning after that wee rant (and an enjoyable evening last night), so enjoy the rest of Boxing Day P & Brs

  11. I've had it under control for a good few months, but the last few weeks are starting to take it's toll again, starting to get those feckin feelings back and it's a nightmare for everyone around me, i'm starting to retreat back into myself and not talking to anyone, and the thing is, i can see it happening but i'm powerless to stop it!!!

    Just trying to get my act together for the forecoming few days, just hope i can go the distance!!

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