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Posts posted by 1888bhoy67

  1. My theory is that it's Derek. The creepy, older guy that Kat's uncle was when he abused her, and she feels so worthless that she sleeps around with that type in some sort of Stockholm Syndrome-esque manner to appease her uncle.

    Weird and perhaps sick, but this goes further than just an affair. You can see how haunted her eyes look every time she's been rattled.

    Is there something we should know about you unsure.gif

  2. When Max was outside that flat, I said that it looked like the flat Jean used to live in, the same place where Max found Stacey after she admitted killing Archie. I've not heard Lacey Turner is due to make a reappearance though, so unless they've got another actress playing her or they've managed to keep it a secret until now, it's something else.

    It looked a bit to me like they're setting it up for him to be Kat's secret lover, what with him running off to meet someone in secret and the whole conversation between Kat and Tanya, but they did the same with Ray, tried to encourage the viewer to think that, and then it turned out it wasn't. I did see a picture the other day that said it was one of four: Derek, Max, Jack and Michael. Michael is probably the most likely one of the lot. Jack wouldn't spend so long trying to pump Sharon if he was already in a secret affair, I can't see Max doing it to Tanya again, there is no way we'd ever believe that was Derek's hand on Kat's cheek so Michael fits the bill best.

    It was leaked in a glossy mag a few months back that it was Michael thats seeing Kat, cant mind which one, the mrs gets quite a few of them, but it was definitely in one of them, i remember reading it and thought, ffs, not another re-story being played out.

  3. Pretty disappointed at the opener on Saturday, and apart from the last few episodes of the last series, Matt Smiths series have been quite poorly written, nothing wrong with him as the Doctor but i think Tennant's reign has been the best of the new one's,

    I hope the current series gets better but i dont see it happening.

  4. People are full of good advice for raising kids.

    The fact is, if you have a brain in your head you will be able to give your kids a good grounding and when they get to a certain age their own will power will come in to play when faced with opportunities both good and bad.

    Good post tbh.

  5. This. Absolutely this. I hate people talking to my kids in this way and I will politely correct it when it happens, for example if I hear 'Ooh, Charlie, it's a doggie', is met with 'yes, Charlie. Look at the dog', with a slight emphasis on dog. Moo-cow, choo-choo, bot-bot, they can all gtf.

    All of mine have been brought up on 'baby-talk' and none of them have ever had any speech issues,

    it's all relative, so long as your using it at the 'right' stage then i dont see a problem with it, they are kids after all and i personally dont want them growing up too soon.

  6. When I was on anti-depressants for 15 months my weight went through the roof. I went from being 19stone to 22 and a half stone. In may I started eating more healthy again and started to do more exercise. Even though I play rugby the weight still piled on me in those 15 months.

    In May I started off by going for a jog during the close season twice a week and in June pre-season training started back up which has been brilliant. Hard sessions three times a week whilst also going to the gym three times a week. My weight is now currently at 21 stone and hopefully get down to 20 stone by the start of September. I see 19/20 stone as ideal for me as I although I'm heavy I'm 6ft5 tall. Played rugby for years, done fieldgun in the navy for years and have always lifted weights.

    I've been following my own weights workout to help get my strength back up. My best period for weights was in the Falklands in 2010. They had a challenge to bench 150% of your body weight and my goal was 180kg before I left I managed to get up to 150kg. Leg press was 400kg squats was 150kg deadlift was 140kg and arm curl was 80kg.

    Currently at 90kg for bench press, 310kg for leg press, 80kg for squats, 90kg deadlift and 60kg for arm curls. It's slowly but surely getting there and at the end of the month I'm going to switch to the workout I used down the Falklands the Doug Lawrenson's four day strength workout.

    Supplements I use. Universal animal pak(amino acids, minerals, multivitamins), animal stak(test booster) and animal test(test booster. Although not using this just now as waiting till end of the month to add it in) also use phd pharma-whey protein but thinking of switching to the 4kg tubs you get from bodybuildingwarehouse.co.uk great value at £43 a tub.

    My aim has always been strength and not a physique.


    Same for me, i went from 12 stone 10, to 17 stone in the space of a year when on Antidepressants, probably mainly because i stopped doing anything physical,

    i used to walk at least 6 miles a day and play football 3 times a week , along with other activities which just stopped when i fell into depression,

    it's a b*****d of a thing, and something that should get more recognition imo!!

  7. Its because they are the people. Its their supremacist attitude that they have to control everything.

    They are now claiming that they "chose" to play in Division 3! :lol:

    Indeed, they only started that pish when they realised that's where they were getting put, and now claim they wanted to be there just to save face,

    they would have been wetting their union jack knickers if they had been voted to either the SPL or 1st division,,,

    stupid cnuts laugh.giflaugh.gif

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