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Posts posted by 1888bhoy67

  1. I have one of each, boy is much much easier!!

    I'd have to agree with that, right now i have 3 girls and 2 boys and literally every arguement stems from one of my 2 older girls (15 & 10),

    they are serious drama queens and it only takes a wrong sideway's glance for a full blown riot to start, the boy's can't be arsed with it and are much more sedate, maybe thats down to seeing how arguementative the girls are but they almost never start the carry on in this house!!!!

  2. I would think with your wife's complex medical needs when it comes to pregnancy you would be. Why not phone them directly and pose the question to them?

    We've already called the consultants secretary numerous times, and have been told on ever occasion that she would call us back, and as yet, nothing!!!!

  3. Now seriously considering to be referred up to the Southern General fetal medical unit,

    Crosshouse fucked up the mrs latest Anti c + d antibody results because the paperwork was incorrectly completed, the last lot came back at a rather worrying 86 and the cut off for considering an in womb transfusion is 10, however this didn't seem to bother our consultant too much,

    Our next appointment with the consultant is the 7th of November, which by that time, these antibody levels could have skyrocketed again, so reluctantly we've arranged for the scan to check for Downs Syndrome so at least that way she'll get blood tests done much quicker,

    I've never really had any real issues with our consultant (Dr Jane Ramsey), infact in our previous pregnancies, she's done more than her duty for us as far as i'm concerned, but this time she appears disinterested for want of a better word, and the stress it's causing is more than i'm starting to keep managable, and the last thing i want to do is blow my top at the consultant,

    The SG is where we would be referred to in any case if an in womb transfusion were necessary, so would we be entitled to just ask to be treated there from now until the baby arrives??

  4. Well it's official ..... She's pregnant!

    Not exactly planned, but a nice wee surprise none-the-less.

    As this shall be my first, I'm surprisingly chilled out about the whole thing(for now).

    I will be frequenting this thread as the months roll by & I start to panic.

    Congrats mate,

    when you find out who it was just give me a shout and i'll arrange for the GB to 'sort them out' wink.gif

    only jokin bud, you've a long year ahead, take in as much as you can from all the literature you get handed to you and frequent these type of threads as much as poss too, good luck and try and enjoy it, as you only ever have your first, once smile.gifthumbup2.gif

  5. Arghhhh, the mrs is really struggling to keep he sugar levels controlled this time, she's cut back on her Insulin by almost 20 units so far and the levels post meals are still too low,

    The diabetic nurse we see instructed her to increase her metformin to 1000mg at breakfast and dinner, and i think it's a direct consequence of this, so on her instructions today, she's to cut back another 10 units of insulin, so hopefully this solves that issue, but it's getting very stressful now!!!!

  6. Anyone watching this??

    I watched the pilot on C5 when it first aired a few weeks back, and decided it wasn't up to much but i stuck with it and found the whole first season online and ended up hooked,

    The second season began in the States the other week and the first episode of it was well worth continuing viewing,

    Highly recommend it for anyone looking for a decent series to watch.

  7. I think with issues like that, I'd be bloody worried as well! In a straightforward pregnancy though, risks aren't all that great. A delivery pack is sent to the house a couple of weeks before the baby is due, so most things are actually to hand should they be needed.

    As for staffing, it's one of my biggest annoyances. Maternity services seem to be struggling to cope with numbers (in my experience, but then I only seem to have babies during particularly busy times!), but staffing levels and funding for training new staff is being cut all the time due to a drop in birth rate, apparently! This only applies in Scotland though. From what I gather in England, birth rate is increasing where staff levels aren't.

    As far as staffing levels go, it was no where near as bad with our youngest, who's just turned 1, there seemed to be plenty of midwives and auxiliary staff around then, but this time in the same department, it honestly looks like they have halved the number of staff, it seems quite ridiculous as it's been very busy each time we've been so far this time, though that could be due to the staff cutbacks?!!

  8. I think i worry more as my wife is diabetic and has rh- factor, and she never had the anti-d jab after our first as this was around the time of the issue of contaminated blood products, so subsequent pregnancies have always been closely monitored,

    Currently she's getting 2 weekly scans which will go to weekly at 26 weeks to check a brain artery in the baby to check the blood flow is ok, and MC doppler scan.

    She gets a shed load of blood taken at each clinic visit too, to check the antibody levels and that they dont start to crossover to the baby, and if this happens the only treatment is an in womb transfusion so it's quite stressful to say the least,

    Also, Crosshouse maternity seem to have cut back on staff so every appointment turns into a bloody marathon day,

    they give you an appointment for 1pm and you dont end up getting out till near bloody 6 o'clock!!!

  9. Off to the midwife today, hoping for a yes to a home birth.

    I'm not having a pop here so dont take it the wrong way, and maybe it's because i'm a natural worrier, but i just dont understand why folk want a home birth.

    With all the modern medical technology in hospitals, if anything goes wrong, there is a far greater chance of getting the right treatment asap, as opposed to waiting on an ambulance or driving to the hospital,

    but each to their own i guess.

  10. mellow.gif

    I dont really get the fuss on having a large family, ours are evenly spaced, i've got boy's of nearly 16 and 7, and girls of nearly 15, 9 and 1,

    We are mid 30's and feel we still have enough love (and just about sanity biggrin.gif) for another, we can afford them and we love kids, so i dont really see what the big deal is.

    I'm not having a pop btw, just explaining our reasons for having a large® family smile.gif

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