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Posts posted by 1888bhoy67

  1. Those sound like huge issues that need to be reported. Staff should report ALL incidents, even near misses, but they don't always do it if there was no adverse effect because they don't want to make the themselves look bad or they don't see the point if there's harm done and so nothing gets done about them. Please speak to the ward charge nurse and report it otherwise nothing will get better!

    It was the same last year when she was pregnant with Rhiannon, just one that springs to mind was her being given the steroids without anyone reading her notes to see she was diabetic, resulting in her being let home and rushed back to Crosshouse through the night when ketones were rife in her, a total nightmare that was too!!

    I'm going to go and see my local MP at his surgery this week, because literally everytime we are there, something happens that shouldn't!!!

  2. Best of luck with that. With my son, his pregnancy was a catalogue of scares for us. We lived 10 minutes from the hospital and were in and out just about every week. Luckily all went well and he's now nearly 9 and nearly as big as his mum.

    You'll get through this and be fine.

    Cheers mate, ths is the 3rd time we've been though it but it doesn't get any easier, just need to stay positive i guess!!

    One thing though, that Southern General is an utter utter joke of a hospital, we went up yesterday morning so she could get bloods crossmatched and as her sugars had been through the roof due to her getting steroids a few weeks ago, they decided to tell us when we got there that she had to stay in and go on a sliding scale insulin drip overnight, so that meant i had to trek back to Girvan to get her things and trek back up again, only for her not to see a doctor until 1.40am this morning who eventually rigged the drip up, so that was over a 12 hour wait for her before seeing the feckin doctor again!!

    On top of that, the last transfusion she had, she was given the lassie in the next beds potassium drip instead of saline, and had she not noticed it after a few minutes it probably would have killed her, that and they also gave her another lassies set of notes on the way out, and it wasn't until we were in the lift heading out she noticed they were wrong,

    Plus the place is like a feckin building site and is nigh on impossible to park in, just adding to the stress,

    Crosshouse maternity is like the feckin Hilton compared to the Southern, and not even the state of the art building itself, the level of care from the staff aswell, that Southern isn't fit for purpose!!!

  3. Another 2 day marathon at the Southern General for transfusions,

    30 weeks she is now and these transfusions seem to be keeping the baby anemia free, so just another 3 to go and she's booked in for 35 weeks for a section, which is the most stressful part for me, as she's getting a general anaesthetic i can't be there, and that hour feels like 10 :(

  4. Under The Skin

    Scarlett Johansson is an alien on a mission the rid the universe of shell suited Glaswegians. A bit slow moving and not much really happens but it held my attention. A curiosity more than anything else. Oh, and Johansson looks pretty fucking hot.


    I heard this getting reviewed on the radio last week, apparently the guys she was picking up didn't know they were being filmed or it was Scarlett who was picking them up, don't know if that's bullshit though :unsure2:

  5. Had my appointment changed. 8.30 am, Saturday 29th March, Forth Valley Hispital. The snip.

    I really need to get done too, i was originally booked in 2 years ago but bottled it after the initial appointment,

    But as daughter number 5 and our 7th is due i think the time for bottling it has vaporised, :(

  6. We took the wee man to see Need For Speed at the weekend as part of his birthday, and as were both (me and the wee man) car nuts, thoroughly enjoyed it,

    It had what the Fast and Furious collection didn't, a front man who could actually act as i thought Aaron Paul was fantastic in it,

    Not the best or most original story but the cars, action and Aaron Paul made up for it, definitely getting bought on blu-ray when it comes out!!


  7. My barber is front page of this weeks Ayrshire Post, her ex was stalking her and they were at court last week,

    Her ex wouldn't take no for an answer and started bombarding her with letters, texts and other stuff, weirded her right out!!

    The AP is better than the Carrick Gazette though, that's a 2 second read and it's nearly a quid these days!!

  8. Just got rid of a focus with no problems and bought a seat ibiza tdi fr that needs the roof sprayed and a new wing, front grille and boot lock. Just as well we have a body shop at work. Oh and it fucking flies foot down in any gear and this things away.

    If your spending some dough on it, these fellas are very good, and that TDi engine is ripe for it too, a real peach with oodles of torque!!


  9. Spent the day shopping for a travel system and am still none the wiser.

    Does anyone have any recommendations based on experience?

    If you don't mind paying for it, i can't recommend the iCandy range highly enough, i wasn't too sure about them at first but after using them, they are great pushchairs,

    We have the Peach 2 double, it sits one in front of the other, or you can have it as a single seater, the quality is excellent and it comes apart really compactly to fit in the Seat Alhambra behind the very back seats which is a really small space, we also have a Pear and an Apple and again they are very well built and easy to fold up,

    the Peach skinned us the guts of a grand but as it's a double it's good value given the quality, the Pear was £400 and the Apple £550 iirc but again you won't need another as the quality is very good,

    We used to have a Quinny Speedy for the second youngest when she was first born and again it was a good quality buggy, and great for rough terrain, but not quite as well built as the iCandy's, but you get what you pay for i guess,

    With car seats we have gone with Recaro for the youngest 2 and i don't think i'd buy any other brand after using these, they are really well built and the kids seem to be comfy enough in them, we had the Young Profi Plus when they were babies and now have 2 Young Sport Highbacks and they will do them until they at 6 or 7 as they convert into a booster seat too!!

  10. Were up at Crosshouse yesterday for a scan, and the mrs was admitted into the Southern for an 'urgent' IU blood transfusion as the baby has excess fluid, signaling her antibodies have started the anaemia in the baby, so we came back down the road to get her stuff and gets up to the Sothern at the back of 5 yesterday, she was still waiting on a feckin doctor taking blood to cross match at 1 am this morning, and they eventually got it at about 1.20am, so the transfusion will be delayed due to their fecking about!!!!

    Climbing the walls with worry and stress and need to drive back through to Glasgow later and the 2 wee ones have a stomach bug, complete nightmare as our child minder obviously won't take them when their ill and i wouldn't expect her to either, and the in laws are away on holiday meaning i've no one to watch them, so they'll have to come with, feckin feel like greetin :(

  11. I have a brand new, unopened digital copy of Fifa 14 day one launch edition for sale, £40 ovno, or i would swap for Need For Speed Rivals,


    Reason for sale is that both myself and my boy's Xbone came bundles with it and we only need one copy.

    just give me a pm if anyone's interested

  12. That seat will have the VW PD 1.9 engine one of the best diesel engines around provided the timing belt has been done every 60k and the oil is changed using the right grade it will just keep going. Oh and they fucking fly it has more torque than a porsche boxster

    Aye, and with an ECU re-map and straight through exhaust it will shred a Boxster no sweat off the line and through 3rd and 4th gear!!

  13. That'd be like exchanging fine steak for McDonalds. Tell Mr Seat Owner to go f**k himself. Sounds like his car's on the way out and is chancing his luck. Seat ain't bad motors but the build and reliability of Honda is far superior.

    Seat build quality is easily on par with Honda ever since VAG took them over, more so on newer cars,

    The Leon would be a fair swap if the condition of both cars is similar!!

  14. Christmas story spoilers!!

    Janine runs over David after he secretly records her confessing to Michael's murder and then proceeds to blackmail her,

    Kat is pregnant and her and Alfie are chucked out the Vic when Shirley's brother played by Danny Dyer buy's it and moves in with their family,

    Squeal Beale does another disappearing act,

    Ronnie takes on Carl and tries to protect Roxy from him

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