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mike strutter

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Posts posted by mike strutter

  1. 4 hours ago, Blackie Gold said:

    Must be fecking shit your team couldnt hold onto their lead against a League 2 Farmers X1. You would have given your back teeth to be in our position today. As for not getting it all their own way. You lot got your own way when you herded us into this shitfest pyramid and don't have the balls to back it up on the field.

    I wouldn't have needed to give the back teeth , we were in the last 32 aswell you silly boy ... as for the shiftiest pyramid ? ... why the negativity ? ... it would seem you are desperate to win this years league so that you can spread your wings and face tougher competition week in week out ... a complete 180 from your mentality of recent years is it not ? ... not that you'll admit it..... if we can't win it then i hope talbot do... the sooner your out your comfort zone that you've languished in for years the better ... your club has shat itself for years at the thought of progression... for others its been the sole target.

  2. 2 minutes ago, andy25 said:
    25 minutes ago, mike strutter said:
    what comments are you talking about ... what did you hear from the other side of the park ?... the guy who said the nothing trivial comment was near me and it was said before anyone knew the extent of the injury .. please don't quote me as if I'm saying all comments made were tongue in cheek as I've no idea what others may or may not have said ... its just a fucking saying and you know what i meant when i used it.

    Sometimes it's better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt...

    If thats aimed at me  , and i say if because i haven't said anything foolish ,then your gonna have to explain to me what your on about.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Southside Bankie said:


    Heard the comments from the other side of the park. Appalling. Unfortunately not an isolated occurrence today. Saw that the lad still needed assistance to leave the ground and clearly a significant injury. I'm sure however that he will be consoled that the remarks were "tongue in cheek". Jesus Christ!

    what comments are you talking about ... what did you hear from the other side of the park ?... the guy who said the nothing trivial comment was near me and it was said before anyone knew the extent of the injury .. please don't quote me as if I'm saying all comments made were tongue in cheek as I've no idea what others may or may not have said ... its just a fucking saying and you know what i meant when i used it.

  4. 15 minutes ago, beithboy said:

    How is he a halfwi? even your own fans are on here saying that some of the Clydebank support  are embarrassing, and to add to that one of your fans was also heard to say after the injury “hope it’s nothing trivial”  and others calling teh injured player a cheat, absolute embarrassment wishing that a player has a serious injury. Then calling the ref a cheat every time he gave a decision against you shows the mentality of a section of your support.  

    Nobody was calling the injured boy a cheat , that was directed at the ref and linos , the nothing trivial comment was said tongue in cheek while the boy was receiving treatment and at that point id say 99.9% in attendance expected him to get up and play on as normal.

  5. 1 hour ago, nearly man said:

    Nice to see so many Clydebank fans at the game but they must be the worst support I've seen at bellsdale since the last time they were there absolute roasters, they should be ashamed the way they went on when the Beith player was down injured and then some of them had the cheek to clap as he went round past them, heard them chant cheat on more than a few occasions as they never got a decision, delusional if they think their serious contenders for the league showed no ambition to win the game in the second half and were happy with their point, looks like we'll have them in the west league for a while yet.

    You sir are a halfwit.

  6. 7 hours ago, EUCFC said:

    The bankies are back

    Most cringeworthy thing you'll ever read.

    A club with toxic horrible fans in the main, with a horrible attitude playing in the first round of a small time national cup competition thinking they are playing real madrid in the champions league final.

    The worst type of parasites who leeched off yoker and junior football and aren't the least bit grateful that's evident from comments like from guy above who unbelievabley is involved in running that club.

    Worst type of arrogance where they think they are something when in fact the name Clydebank is a laughing stock in this 'senior' football world.

    I think 99% on here will agree you are indeed a fanny , you clearly don't have the brains to genuinely annoy the fans your targeting because its clear your just a troll hoping for some sort of bite .... your a p***k , f**k off , theres a good lad.

  7. 12 minutes ago, superpollok said:

    The Pollok player made nothing off it !

    Fraser went down after a challenge and was on the ground, the Clydebank 6 went over to have a go at him and put his hand in his face, Fraser flicked his hand away and the number 6 collapsed holding his face trying to get Fraser sent off and instead ended up being the one sent off. 

    Pollok played well today for 50 minutes or so, sending off actually helped Clydebank we lost the momentum and took a great finish from Forde in the last seconds to settle it. 

    A good 3 points v a Decent Clydebank side, and another good crowd. 
    Would also add that the set up Clydebank and Yoker are building is excellent - well done to both clubs 

    Thats not what happened  , watch the replay

  8. 55 minutes ago, nicotina said:

    clydebank 0  lok 2  ht 0-1

    scorers  weir forde last min

    bankies no6 sent off in 2nd half

    another poor ref display

    Clydebanks worst performance of the season so far ... we were abysmal and tbh it was a really dull game ... the sending off was farcical , I've just watched it again on the re-run of the live stream .... its difficult to get across just how poor that referee was today without it sounding like sour grapes but anyone that was there today from either side I'm sure would agree that todays ref was downright awful , congrats to pollok but tbh they were no great shakes either.

  9. 1 hour ago, Hooseoffleet said:

    Would gladly go back to the days when we were skint and nearly out the game. The players cared for the club. This current crop are just sleeve tattoo pretty boys with no heart. 

    Tbh before this pie man chap came along with his wallet I’d never actually heard of Darvel before

  10. 1 hour ago, BANKIEBILL said:


    Issue - for what it was - was Bankies had wanted to film ( probably not stream ) the game - which was to be the first as a Senior Club. We were denied permission even though the people doing the filming were 2 of the 4 committee folk who were allowed to attend.  Thats what's led to disappointment among folk - ie the very first game would not be recorded. This was exacerbated when it was learned that a week later Rutherglen would be granted permission if it had gone ahead and Meadow this week. 


    This is the point i had been trying to make earlier  ... from our point of view we weren't asking or needing any physical input from Largs .... our guys were going to do the filming... i just wanted to know why this request was denied ... Largs were essentially not involved.

    As far as I'm concerned this will be my last comment on the whole situation ... all the best to Sunriser.

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